Participant handbooks are now available for the CaribeWave and Pacifex 2013 Tsunami Exercises

* * * Previous Event * * *

No Watch, Warning, or Advisory
For the continental U.S., Canada, Alaska, Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands. For other regions please see PTWC
Green OK Traffic Light picture

Last Event Details

Location: near the Santa Cruz Islands
Magnitude: 6.7, Depth: 6.2 (Mi.)
Lat: 11.1 ° S Lon: 165.3 ° E
Origin Time:

For further information on earthquakes, please click here to visit the USGS web site
Earthquake IconEarthquake   Warning -> Inundating wave possible -> Full evacuation suggestedWarning Advisory -> Strong currents likely -> Stay away from the shoreAdvisory Watch -> Danger level not yet known -> Stay alert for more infoWatch Information -> Minor waves at most -> No action suggestedInfo More information available by clicking againLink
Map colors:




  Tide observations pageObservations & Forecasts Energy MapEnergy Map Travel Time MapTravel Time Map