Sustainability and Environmental Justice


Executive Order 13514 (Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance) [PDF, 87K] sets sustainability goals for Federal agencies and focuses on making improvements in their environmental, energy and economic performance. The order requires each federal agency to prepare a Strategic Sustainability Performance Plan (SSPP). Our plan is provided below.

Environmental Justice

ED is committed to meeting the goals of Executive Order 12898 [PDF, 127K], "Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and Low-Income Populations," which states that each participating federal agency should make environmental justice part of its mission. Specifically, ED's EJ strategy [MS Word, 70K] focuses on healthy learning environments for students, energy-efficient school facilities, sustainability education and environmental literacy, and energy efficiency in ED facilities.

  • ED Environmental Justice 2012 Progress Report MS Word (57K)

Comments can be submitted to ED by emailing EDEnvironmentalJustice@ed.gov.

ED's Environmental Programming

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Last Modified: 02/07/2013