Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobility & Security

Protection Branch - Demonstrations

Threat information websites:

Follow these simple self protection measures below in the event of a demonstration.

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Avoid planned gatherings or demonstrations. Maintain awareness of your surroundings so you will recognize conditions which may lead to a spontaneous demonstration.
  • If you happen to come upon a demonstration, remain calm and disengage from the situation. Avoid speaking loudly.
  • Try to be inconspicuous. Do not draw attention to yourself.
  • Travel in small groups (never alone) and vary movements.
  • Always let someone know where you're going and when you expect to return.
  • Stay away from high risk areas.
  • Know emergency numbers and potential safe areas.
  • Carry a cell phone if possible.
  • Keep vehicle in good working order and fuel tank full.
  • All U.S. personnel are advised to avoid areas during the times of the scheduled demonstration.
  • If you suspect a demonstration is occurring today in the Stuttgart area and are trying to confirm, please call the USAG Stuttgart Installation Operations Center at 431-3742 or 0703115-3742.
  • It is important to remain aware of your surroundings. However, when demonstrations are properly registered, the German Law Enforcement community coordinates with US agencies to ensure that US forces are aware.
  • The USAG Stuttgart Information Operations Center sends emails of all known demonstrations.

Contact DPTMS:
DSN: (314) 431-3742 CIV: +49(0) 07031-15-3742•
Hours of operation: Mon-Sun, 24 Hour Operations