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LINKS                                     Disclaimer:    Inclusion in the folowing LINKS LIST does not imply endorsement by NOAA Miami Regional Library.
         E M E R G E N C Y  M A N A G E M E N T   O F F I C E S by STATE  (scroll down to mid-screen) 

Atmospheric Science Librarians International (ASLI)
Central Pacific Hurricane Center
Climate Information and Services
Climate and Society -  Internatiional Research Institute -established as a cooperative agreement between NOAA's
Climate Program Office and Columbia University.
CoCoRaHS- volunteer network of backyard weather observers, all ages, working together to measure and map rain, hail and snow in their local communities. - datasets generated and held by Federal Government
Department of Energy Office of Science & Technical Informaion
Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State Universtiy: Electronic Map Wall (e-Wall) Displays forecast models from 4 different time periods.
FLASH - Quarterly consumer update from Federal Alliance for Safe HOmes, Inc.
Florida State University Hurricane Preparation
NOAA - NODC- Global Observing Systems Information Center -offers ocean, atmosphereic and terrestrial archival data - worldwide.
Hurricane Preparedness - NOAA
Hurricane Warning!
Hurricane Watch Net
Mid-Atlantic Weather Station
Joint Typhoon Warning Center, Hawaii

Nation Weather Service Products and Services- Reference Guidebook
NOAA Earth Monitoring System
NOAA NODC - Hurricanes
NOAA Regional Climate Center-xmACIS archival Weather data
NOAA Weather Radio All Hazards
Naval Research Laboratory Tropical Cyclone
OPEN SKY - NCAR/UCAR open access institutional repository to atmospheric information. -Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), U.S. Department of Energy. -searches over 38 databases and 1,950 selected websites, of authoritative U.S. government science information.

History of Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Scripps Institute Tropical Page 
Southeastern U.S. Marine Weather-  provides around-the-clock access to marine information for commercial and recreational communities within the Carolinas, Georgia, Florida, and Alabama.  Both coastal and offshore information is given for water temperature, waves, currents, salinity, and winds.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Climate Change
Unisys Weather Hurricanes
Universtify of Wisconsin CIMSS Tropical Cyclone
Weather and Climate Extremes in a Changing Climate: Frequently Asked Questions - Univ. of
Weather and Society Webinars - University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR)
North Texas, UNT Digital Library
World Meteorological Society
World Meteorological Society Bulletin

Education Links

CoCoRaHS-community collaborative-School Pilot Project

NOAA Education Web

NWS Playtime for Kids

The Hurricane Glossary at

Weather and Climate Resources

NSSL Educational Climate info - KIDS

JetStream - An Online Weather School

FEMA For Kids: Hurricanes

FEMA For Kids: Video Library

National Weather Service Southern Region Skywatcher Chart

National Weather Service Training Portal new

NCTSN - National Child Traumatic Stress Network  readiness, response, and recovery after various natural disasters including hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and tsunamis.
One NOAA Science Seminars -  by month
A joint effort by several NOAA partners to share science and management information
Hurricane Awarness learning lesson

MetEd Home Page

Time for Kids | Home

The Atmospheric Science Librarians International selected titles in the categories of :
science, history and popular atmospheric literature.

 Awards were presented
at the 2012 AMS conference in New Orleans, LA   
Click above ASLI link to view titles.

Emergency Preparedness & Response Initiative, University of Virginia Claude Moore Health Sciences Library

Social Response to Hurricanes and Natural Hazards
a Bibliography 

Hurricane Preparedness Bibliography

Climate Bibliography
"All Weather is Good" by National Weather Center Library
National Oceanographic Data Center - Facebook
 Max Mayfields Hurricane Blog
Meteorological Interpretation Blog 
 CIMSS Satellite Blog 

Hurricane Digital Memory Bank:  Collecting and Preserving the Stories of Katrina and Rita 

The Katrina Research Center

Census Bureau Releases First Detailed Data on Katrina Damage to New Orleans Area Housing


SHyMet Course for Interns

NOAA Satellites and Information, National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service,
Regional and Mesoscale Meteorology Branch (RAMMB)

The Intern track of the Satellite Hydrology and Meteorology (SHyMet) Course will touch on Geostationary and Polar orbiting satellite basics (areal coverage and image frequency), identification of atmospheric and surface phenomena, and provide examples of the integration of meteorological techniques with satellite observing capabilities. This course will be administered through web-based instruction and will be the equivalent of 16 hours of training. Initially the Intern Track was targeted for NWS interns. It is now open to anyone inside or outside of NOAA who wishes to review the "basics" of satellite meteorology."


High Resolution Map of
All North Atlantic and Eastern North Pacific major hurricanes
(at least Category 3 on the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Scale)


Tsunami...the Forgotten Danger!
a Power Point Presentation by

Bill Proenza, Regional Director

National Weather Service, Southern Region, U.S.A.

NOAA History


Eileen L. Shea
NOAA Representative to the Dept. of Commerce Historical Council

1999 Edited by: 
Skip Theberge, NOAA Central Library

National Weather Service  - Miami Forecast Office History

Hurricane Research Department History

E-Resources E-Journal
National Hurricane/ Tropical Prediction Center
11691 S.W. 17th St.

Miami, Florida 33165

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Department of Commerce
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