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National Marine Fisheries Service, Alaska Regional Office

Beluga Whale Research and Reports

Quick Links: Beaufort Sea Bering Sea | Bristol Bay | Chukchi Sea | Cook Inlet | Yakutat Bay

Research on and Status of Five Beluga Stocks

map of 5 Alaska beluga whale stocks
Five Alaska beluga whale stocks. Click for larger version.

Research on Beaufort Sea Belugas

Research on Bering Sea Belugas

Research on Bristol Bay Belugas

Research on Eastern Chukchi Sea Belugas

beluga whales in the Chukchi Sea
Beluga whales in the Chukchi Sea. Photo: Laura Morse, NOAA Fisheries, Permit #782-1719-06

Research on Cook Inlet Belugas

Research on Yakutat Bay Belugas

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