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Adding natural elements to synthetic catalysts speeds hydrogen production

Scientists show how adding amino acids far from a catalyst's center can rev it up

The cover of Chemistry: A European Journal featuring catalyst research conducted in part at EMSL. Reproduced with permission.

Inspired by nature, scientists conducting some their research at EMSL used amino acid molecules to create a more efficient synthetic hydrogen production catalyst. Findings from this study provide foundational information that could lead to faster, more durable catalysts based on earth-abundant metals, like nickel and iron. This study is featured on the cover of Chemistry: A European Journal.

Read the full story from the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Fundamental & Computational Sciences Directorate.

Reference: Reback ML, B Ginovska-Pangovska, MH Ho, A Jain, TC Squire, S Raugei, JAS Roberts, and WJ Shaw. 2013. "The Role of a Dipeptide Outer-Coordination Sphere on H2-Production Catalysts: Influence on Catalytic Rates and Electron Transfer." Chemistry: A European Journal 19(6):1928-1941. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201202849

Released: February 13, 2013