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Most Recent NASA Reports

Glory Mishap Board Findings

FY 2012 Report on Large Conferences
Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) 2012 Annual Report
FY 12 Agency Financial Report
Mars Program Planning Group
NASA Exploration Destinations, Goals, and International Collaboration
Gravity and Extreme Magnetism Small Explorer (GEMS) Independent Assessment
Statement on CASIS
Framework on Scientific Integrity
International Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities, Jan. 17, 2012 2011

  • Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation Plan Hangar One for NASA Headquarters and Ames Research Center,
    Nov. 30, 2011

    Full Report (50 MB)
    Addendum (84 Kb PDF)

  • The International Space Exploration Coordination Group (ISECG)
    About ISECG
    The Global Exploration Roadmap (10 MB PDF)

  • Commercial Crew and Cargo Document Library

  • Independent Cost Assessment of the Space Launch System, Executive Summary, Aug. 19, 2011 (712 Kb PDF)

  • NAFCOM Cost Estimates, Aug. 3, 2011 (104 Kb PDF)

  • Commercial Spaceflight - 60 Day Report, June 29, 2011

  • Commercial Market Assessment (CMA) for Crew and Cargo Systems, April 2011 (742K PDF)

  • 2011 State of the Agency Briefings
    Deputy Administrator Lori B. Garver (170 K PDF)
    Chief Financial Officer Elizabeth Robinson (10 MB PDF)
    Chief Scientist Waleed Abdalati (472 KB PDF)
    William Gerstenmaier, Associate Administrator, Space Operations (1.5 MB PDF)
    Jaiwon Shin, Associate Administrator, Aeronautics Research (2 MB PDF)
    Douglas Cooke, Associate Administrator, Exploration Systems (2.2 MB PDF)
    Deputy Chief Technologist Michael Gazarik (3.5 MB PDF)
    Paul Hertz, Chief Scientist, Science Mission Directorate (9.1 MB PDF)
    Michael O'Brien, Associate Administrator, Office of International and Interagency Relations (5.7 MB PDF)

  • Space Launch System and Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle Preliminary Report, January 2011 (268 Kb PDF)

  • Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel (ASAP) 2010 Annual Report (544 Kb PDF)

  • Human Exploration Framework Team (HEFT) Report
    Cover Letter, January 2011 (40 Kb PDF)
    Human Space Exploration Framework Summary, January 2011 (2.82 MB PDF)

  • James Webb Space Telescope Independent Comprehensive Review Panel -- Nov. 10, 2010
    Final Report (1 MB PDF)
    Review Panel Chair John Casani's Letter to NASA Administrator Charles Bolden (68k PDF)

  • The Apollo 11 Telemetry Data Recordings: A Final Report (6 MB PDF) -- Nov. 2, 2009

  • Seeking a Human Space Flight Program Worthy of a Great Nation (7.9 MB PDF) -- Oct. 22, 2009

  • Aerospace Safety Advisory Panel 2008 Annual Report (2.7 MB PDF) -- April 15, 2009

  • Columbia Crew Survival Investigation
    Full Report (16.2 MB PDF)
    Fact Sheet: Shuttle and Constellation Program Actions Resulting From Recommendations (36 Kb PDF)
    Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report
    Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report Teleconference Transcript (64 Kb PDF)

  • NASA National Aviation Operations Monitoring Service (NAOMS) -- Updated September 30, 2008

  • April 25, 2008 -- Next-Generation Issues
    On April 15, 2008, the NASA Strategic Management Council (SMC) met at Stennis Space Center and heard from the next generation workforce community. At the March SMC, an action was issued to the head of the Office of Human Capital Management, Toni Dawsey, to bring together a group of next generation civil servants to foster a discussion at the April SMC.
    Read the Next Generation Presentation and comment on it

  • 2008 NASA E-Gov Compliance Report (266 Kb PDF)

  • April 1, 2008 -- Workforce Transition
    Workforce Transition Strategy Report (1.4 Mb PDF)
    Workforce Transition Strategy Briefing (5.5 Mb PDF)

  • Draft Space Shuttle Program Programmatic Environmental Assessment -- Feb. 25, 2008
    Addresses the potential environmental impacts associated with the transition and retirement of the Space Shuttle Program.

  • National Plan for Aeronautics Research and Development and Related Infrastructure

  • Reports on NASA Astronauts -- Jan. 23, 2008 (56 Kb PDF)

  • International Space Station National Laboratory Report -- June 25, 2007

  • The Global Exploration Strategy: The Framework for Coordination

  • Return to Flight Implementation Plan:
    Complete 13th Edition -- May 31, 2007 (19.8 Mb PDF)
    Previous Implementation Plans

  • AMS ELV Option to ISS (1.9 Mb PDF)

  • Report to Congress on Near Earth Objects

  • Budget Information

  • 2006 Strategic Plan
    Full Resolution (1.5 Mb)
    Low Resolution (670 Kb)

  • Performance and Accountability Reports

  • NASA Advisory Council
    Information on the mission, background, standing committees, members, meeting dates, agenda, minutes, recommendations, responses and presentations.

  • NASA Systems Engineering Behavior Study

  • Aerospace Advisory Panel Reports

  • HSPD-12 OMB Quarterly Status Report
    Dec. 31, 2012
    Aug. 31, 2012
    May 31, 2012
    March 31, 2012
    Dec. 1, 2011
    Sept. 1, 2011
    June 1, 2011
    March 1, 2011
    Dec. 1, 2010
    Sepp. 1, 2010
    July 1, 2010
    March 1, 2010
    Dec. 1, 2009
    Sept. 1, 2009
    June 1, 2009
    March 1, 2009
    Dec. 1, 2008
    Sept. 1, 2008
    June 1, 2008
    March 1, 2008
    Dec. 1, 2007
    Sept. 1, 2007
    June 1, 2007
    March 1, 2007

  • Overview of the DART Mishap Investigation Results, May 2006

  • Genesis Mishap Report, June 2006

  • FY 2006 Performance and Accountability Report

  • Exploration Systems Architecture Study -- Final Report, November 2005

  • Diaz Report, January 30, 2004
    "A Renewed Commitment to Excellence" is an assessment of agency-wide response to the findings of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board report.

  • Helios Mishap Report, January 2004

  • NOAA N-Prime Mishap Investigation, Final Report,Sept. 13, 2004

  • Presidential Space Commission Report, June 16, 2003
    A Presidential Commission headed by Edward C. "Pete" Aldridge, Jr. releases its report on implementation of The Vision for Space Exploration -- NASA's plans to return to the Moon, travel to Mars and Beyond.

  • X-43A Mishap Investigation, July 23, 2003
    The investigation board concluded no single factor led to the mishap, but pointed instead to design deficiencies.

  • Space Telescope Transition Plan Review Panel Report, August 2003
    An independent panel of astronomers identified three options for NASA to consider in planning the transition from the Hubble Space Telescope to the James Webb Space Telescope at the start of the next decade.

  • Columbia Accident Investigation Board Report
    An independent board chaired by retired U.S. Navy Admiral Harold Gehman releases its findings and recommendations on the Feb. 1, 2003, loss of Columbia on mission STS-107. August 26, 2003
    Read All Volumes
    Volume 1 by Chapters (low, medium or high resolution)

  • Contour Mishap Board Completes Investigation, October 15, 2003
    NASA's Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR) Mishap Investigation Board (MIB) identified four possible causes for the failure of the comet-rendezvous mission launched in July 2002. The Board concluded the probable proximate cause for this accident was structural failure of the spacecraft due to plume heating during the embedded solid-rocket motor burn.

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