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Storing Excess Property

State Managed Personal Property Centers can help federal agencies store excess personal property during the disposal process. Federal agencies that have a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the GSA Personal Property Center can call the center and make arrangements for drop-off. Federal agencies must notify the property office either by email, telephone, or fax of the "report number" and the agency's interest in using this service.

If the agency does not have an MOU, it can negotiate with the center to take the property at a predetermined per-truckload cost.

Federal agencies pay only for transportation to the centers; receiving agencies pay for transportation to their locations.

In addition to storing the personal property, the State-Managed Personal Property Centers serve as custodian during the disposal process, though the owning agency remains accountable. The centers enable interested parties to screen the property, as required in the Federal Management Regulations. Following federal and state screening, any property not transferred is offered for sale to the general public at each center.

In addition, State-Managed Personal Property Centers will take exchange/sale and reimbursable property and will negotiate fees negotiated on a case-by-case basis.

Note: Personal Property Centers will not accept scrap or hazardous property.

The Personal Property Centers are a service offered jointly by GSA and the State Agencies for Surplus Property (SASP). For additional information, contact a Personal Property Management Office representative.

Another Option on the East Coast

Federal agencies that need a storage solution for property that they cannot dispose of quickly can use the GSA Personal Property Center (PPC) located in Springfield, Virginia. For an affordable fee, the PPC takes full accountability and control of an agency's excess property. Primarily serving the greater Washington area, including eastern Maryland and Virginia, the center is open to users along the entire East Coast.

The PPC handles all of the details of the use, donation, and sales processes. The receiving customer is responsible for transport charges. Co-located with the PPC is the GSA Surplus Sales Center – a key program for online auctions, vehicle sales, and other negotiated sales.


Sherlean Route
(703) 605-9318

storage, personal property, excess property, SASP