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Science in the National Interest

Science and Technology Review Articles Associated with the
Stockpile Stewardship Program

As part of our primary mission to make sure that the nation's nuclear stockpile is safe, secure, and reliable without nuclear testing, WCI scientists conduct research in a broad range of disciplines.

Plasmas and Lasers

A Stellar Performance—Recent Experiments at NIF
Safe and Sustainable Energy with LIFE
Meeting the Target Challenge
Preparing for the X Games of Science
Doing a Stretch of Time

Picture of NIF target

Shock Waves

Ten Times More Data for Shock-Physics Experiments
A Simple Way to Better Protect Soldiers against Head Trauma
An Accelerated Collaboration Meets with Beaming Success
New Routes to High Temperatures and Pressures
Measures for Measures

Photo of DARHT

Materials Science Experiments and Simulations

A Home for Energetic Materials and their Experts
Plutonium Hitches a Ride on Subsurface Particles
Enhancing Confidence in the Nation’s Nuclear Stockpile

The Hunt for Better Radiation Detection
Dissolving Molecules to Improve Their Performance
A Defensive "Coat" for Materials under Attack

Simulation of TATB molecules

Leading-Edge Computing

A New Application for a Weapons Code
Predicting the Bizarre Properties of Plutonium
A Code to Model Electromagnetic Phenomena
Three Dimensional on the Nanoscale
Thunder’s Power Delivers Breakthrough Science

Array of Atlas Computer

Weapons Engineering

Simulation and Precision Engineering Lead to Extraordinary Results in Experiment
Extending the Life of an Aging Weapon
A CAT Scanner for Nuclear Weapon Components
Monitoring a Nuclear Weapon from the Inside
Standardizing the Art of Electron-Beam Welding

Sensor overlaid on a penny


Too Close for Comfort
Ring around a Stellar Shell: A Tale of Scientific Serendipity
A Laboratory to Probe a Planet's Deep Interior

Diamond Anvil Cell


Ramrods Shepherd Hydrodynamic Tests
A Laboratory to Probe a Planet's Deep Interior
Ramrods Key to Extraordinary Record
An Accelerated Collaboration Meets with Beaming Success
Planets and Stars under the Magnifying Glass

Rendering of a pin dome


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