6,900 Residents Gain Steady Access to Irrigation Water in Qubodiyon

February 6, 2013

Representatives from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) participated in a ceremony to officially open Havaskor-1 Water User Association in the Qubodiyon district of Tajikistan. The group was formed through an open and participatory process involving small-scale and commercial farmers, community leaders, and government officials. The association is now in the process of rehabilitating on-farm canals, drains, and water control gates.

USAID Central Asian Republics Regional Mission Director Anne Aarnes, USAID Tajikistan Country Director Katie McDonald, local government officials, and local citizens attended the ceremony. "Associations like this are essential for Tajikistan," Aarnes noted. "They are one of the keys to improving incomes and well-being for millions of Tajik citizens, as well as increasing overall economic growth in the country. We are honored to partner with you and to celebrate your hard work today."

Many famers in Qubodiyon do not have regular access to irrigation water, and many canals and drainage channels have fallen into disrepair. The U.S. Government’s Feed the Future initiative promotes improved nutrition and agricultural sector growth, including improved irrigation water management practices in southwestern Khatlon.

Since October 2010, USAID has established 12 water users associations in Kulob, Vose, Qubodiyon, Shahritus, Nosiri Khusrav, J.Rumi, Jilikul and Vakhsh districts that will benefit about 28,000 hectares of land and more than 209,000 people.

This press release originally appeared on the USAID Mission Central Asian Republics website.