Category Archive: Mobile


12 Big Ideas & Predictions for 2013

Anthony Calabrese is Digital Communications Manager at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

We saw some big changes across the federal government with the introduction of the Digital Government Strategy in 2012. And it was a big year for innovation at the Department of Health & Human Services, where I’m part of a great team that’s working to transform us into the digital age. Looking forward, 2013 promises to …

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Mobile Gov & the Digital Government Strategy Wikithon

Reblogged from the Mobile Gov Blog. Have a question about Mobile Gov? Want to help improve Mobile Gov efforts? This Thursday’s Mobile Gov Wikithon from 2-4 in downtown D.C. will offer you the chance to meet Mobile Gov innovators and get tips on mobile product ideation and improvements to your current and future mobile products. …

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Mobile Search Increases in 2012

Mobile search

Reblogged from the  Mobile Gov Blog. Last week Rimm-Kaufman Group published its new Digital Marketing Report (free download with your email address), which covers the fourth quarter of 2012. They found a staggering increase in the use of mobile search. Specific findings include: Nearly 20% of organic search and direct visits were mobile in Q4. …

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Mobile Gov Resources for 2013!


Federal agencies are implementing customer-facing mobile services at a rapid pace. Check out the MobileGov Blog “cheat sheet” that’s chock full of information to help your agency accelerate the process. Here’s a taste of what you will find there: APIs Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) have been called the “secret sauce” for digital services. They help open information (content and …

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NORAD Tracks Santa

NORAD tracks Santa.

For over 50 years the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has tracked Santa’s flight making sure the skies are clear for each stage of his Yuletide journey. NORAD uses four high-tech systems to track Santa — radar, satellites, Santa Cams and fighter jets. The public can follow Santa’s journey through NORAD Santa cams, the ultra-cool, high-tech, …

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