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FWS/Open Access Publications

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1991 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, 124 pp., 73 tables, and appendices.Government Link  1993.  

1996 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document 1997. 123 pp., 64 tables, plus appendices.

2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation: National Overview, Issued May 2002.PDF Document 2002. 23 p.

2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation: State Overview, Issued June 2002.PDF Document 2002. 32 p.

2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. 2007.PDF Document For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation National Overview. PDF Document 2012. 24 p.

Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - PL 96-787 - December 2, 1980. see Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act PL 96-787 December 2, 1980.PDF Document 10 p.

Alaska's Coastal Program: Caring for Alaska's Coastal Habitats.PDF Document2001. 2 p.

Alerta Comprador Carib.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Aleutian Canadian Goose. Wildlife Fact Sheet. 2 p. 2000. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

American Alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Wildlife fact sheet. 2008. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI): Report on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of [the] Interior.PDF Document 2001.

American Black Bear (Ursus Americanus).PDF Document Biologue series. 1995. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

American Buffalo (Bison bison).PDF Document Biologue Series. 1997. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

American Woodcock Population Status, 2001.PDF Document 2001. 15 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: A Century of Conservation.PDF Document 2001 2 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: Celebrating a Century of Conservation.PDF Document 2001 2 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: Facts.PDF Document 2001. 1 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: Hunting and Fishing.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: Recreation and Education.PDF Document 2001 2 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: Special Management Areas.PDF Document 2001 1 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: Waterfowl Production Areas: Prairie Jewels of the Refuge System.PDF Document 2001 2 p.

America's National Wildlife Refuge System: Wilderness Areas on National Wildlife Refuges.PDF Document 2001 1 p.

An Analysis of the Differential Delayed Mortality Experienced by Stream-type Chinook Salmon of the Snake River.PDF Document 1999. 50 p.

Analytical Approaches to Assessing Recovery Options for Snake River Chinook Salmon.PDF Document [2001] 92 p.

Annual Coded Wire Program Missing Production Groups - Annual Report 1998.PDF Document 1999. 56 p.

Annual Report of Lands Under Control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as of September 30, 2002.PDF Document 2003. 56 p.

Annual Report of Lands Under Control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as of September 30, 2003.PDF Document 2004. 53 p.

Annual Reports of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Arctic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PDF Document 2010. 2 p.

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, Coastal Plain Resource Assessment: Report and Recommendation to the Congress of the United States and Final Legislative Environmental Impact Statement.PDF Document 1987. 227 p. Part A only.PDF Document 1987. 113 p. Part B only.PDF Document 1987. 114 p.

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Maps

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act PL 96-787 December 2, 1980.PDF Document 10 p.

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Alaska - Establishing the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge - Public Land Order 2214.PDF Document 2 p.

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge Potential Impacts of Proposed Oil and Gas Development on the Arctic's Plain: Historical Overview and Issues of Concern.PDF Document 2001. 20 p.

Asian Elephant Conservation Act Summary Report 1999-2001.PDF Document 2002. 44 p.

Asian Elephant Conservation Fund.PDF Document 2006. 2 p.

Asian Elephant Ivory.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Asian Medicinals Questions and Answers.PDF Document 1999. 2 p.

At the Refuge Coloring and Activity Book.PDF Document [2000]. 20 p.

Atlantic FlywayPDF Document (Map) [2001] 1 p. Black & White VersionPDF Document

Atlantic Population of Canada Geese: Status and Management.FWS Link 1997. (MBMO)

Attracting Pollinators to Your Garden. 2011. 8 p.

Attwater's Prairie-chicken Recovery Program: Questions and Answers.PDF Document 1999. 2 p.

Avian Mortality at Communication Towers: A Review of Recent Literature, Research, and Methodology.PDF Document 2000. 38 p.

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus).PDF Document Wildlife Fact Sheet. 2007. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD see also National Wildlife Refuges Inhabited by Bald Eagles.PDF Document 1 p.

Bald Eagle Monitoring if Delisted.PDF Document 1 p

Bald Eagle Pairs Lower 48 States 1963-1998.PDF Document (Chart) 1 p.

Bald Eagle Pairs Lower 48 States 1982 vs 1999.PDF Document (Population) 1 p.

Bald Eagle Road to Recovery.PDF Document 1 p.

Banking on Nature 2006: The Economic Benefits to Local Communities of National Wildlife Refuge Visitation.PDF Document 2007. 382 p.

Banking on Nature: The Economic Benefits to Local Communities of National Wildlife Refuge Visitation.PDF Document 1997. 129 p.

Beach Strand Habitat at Risk.PDF Document 2000. 4 p.

Beneficial Bats: Backyard Habitat for Wildlife. [PDF Document2001] 1 p.

Beyond Cleanup: Restoring America's Natural Heritage. Facts about Superfund's Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program.PDF Document 1997. 7 pp. (Booklet)

Biennial Report to the President of the United States: Federal Agency Implementation ofPDF Document Executive Order 12962-Recreational Fisheries.Highlights of Accomplishments For Fiscal Years 1996–1997.PDF Document 16 p. (National Recreational Fisheries Coordination Council)

Biological Needs Assessment: National Wildlife Refuge System,PDF Document Division of Refuges. 1998.

Biological Opinion Effects to Listed Species from Operations of the Federal Columbia River Power System.PDF Document 2000. 106 p.

Biological Opinion for Southwest Region U.S. Forest Service Ongoing Livestock Grazing Activities on Allotments.PDF Document 1999. 383 p. (Region 2)

Biologues see Wildlife Fact SheetsFWS Link listed by species below

Bird Feeding: Backyard Habitat for Wildlife.PDF Document 1999. 1p.

Bird Kills at Towers and Other Human-made Structures: An Annotated Partial Bibliography (1960-1998).FWS Link 1998. 2 p.

Bird Publications

Birding in the United States: A Demographic and Economic Analysis. Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated RecreationPDF Document (Report 2006-4). 2009. 20 p.

Birding in the United States: A Demographic and Economic Analysis. Addendum to the 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated RecreationPDF Document (Report 2001-1). 2003. 24 p.

Birds of Conservation Concern 2008.PDF Document 2009. 93 p.

Birds Protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.FWS Link

Black Bass Fishing in the United States: Addendum to the 1996 Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document Revised September 1999. 16 p.

Black Carp: Invasive Species Program.PDF Document 2002. 2 p.

Black-footed Ferret National Conservation Center Environmental Assessment for the Proposed Acquisition of a New Administrative Center.PDF Document 2000. 24 p.

Black-tailed Prairie Dog see 12 Month Administrative Finding for the Black-Tailed Prairie Dog.FWS Link [1998]

Blue Goose Flies High: Join the Junior Duck Stamp Program in Celebrating the 100th Birthday of the National Wildlife Refuge System.PDF Document 2003. 8 p.

Blueprint for the Future of Migratory Birds: Migratory Bird Program Statregic Plan 2004-2014. 2004. 27 p.

The Bottom Line: How Healthy Bird Populations Contribute to a Healthy EconomyPDF Document (MBMO) 2000. 2 p.

Broadening Constituencies of State Fish & Wildlife Agencies. 1999

Brown Pelican (Pelecanus occidentalis).PDF Document 2009. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Bull Trout: Salvelinus confluentus.PDF Document 2003. 2 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Buyer Beware Caribbean.PDF Document 2003. 2 p. Spanish versionPDF Document

California Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PDF Document 2009. 2 p.

Canada Lynx see Commonly Asked Questions about the Canada Lynx.PDF Document [2000]. 6 p.; Lynx Primary Areas of Occurance (Primary Habitat) in the Contiguous United States.PDF Document 1999. 1 p.; Canada Lynx Conservation Assessment and Strategy.PDF Document 2000. 124 p.

Canada Lynx (Lynx canadensis)PDF Document [2000]. 2 p.

Canada Lynx Conservation Assessment and Strategy.PDF Document 2000. 124 p.

Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances for Non-Federal Property Owners.PDF Document 2002. 2p.

Candidate Conservation Around the Nation.PDF Document [2002] 3 p.

Candidates Species & Candidate Conservation Agreements with Assurances for Private Property Owners.PDF Document 1999. 3 p.

Captive-Bred Wildlife Registration under the U.S. Endangered Species Act.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Careers: Conserving the Nature of America.PDF Document 2000. 20 p. 263 KB Large Print edition.PDF Document 2000 20 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD Vietnamese versionPDF Document

Caribbean Freshwater Crustaceans.PDF Document [2001] 1 p.

Carolina Heelsplitter in the Carolinas: Our Natural Heritage.PDF Document 2002. 24 p.

Cassin's Sparrow (Aimophila cassinii) Status Assessment and Conservation Plan (Biological Technical Publication BTP-R6002-2000).PDF Document 2000. 112 p.

Casting Beyond the Bow: An Examination of Anglers Fishing From Boats: Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation
Report. 2006-9. PDF Document 2010. 32 p.

Caution: Feeding Waterfowl May Be Harmful!PDF Document 2000. 8 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Celebre la Vida Silvestre! Semana de los Refugios Nacionales para la Vida Silvestre (National Wildlife Refuge Week)PDF Document (PSA) 1999 1 p. 410K

Central FlywayPDF Document (Map). [2001]

Cerulean Warbler Status Assessment.PDF Document 2000. 154. p. See "Status Assessments"

Chessie.PDF Document (Coloring Book). 1993. 28 p.

Chessie Returns!PDF Document (Coloring Book). 1993. 16 p.

Chironomidae of the Southeastern United States: A Checklist of Species and Notes on Biology, Distribution, and Habitat.PDF Document 1990. 46 p. 4,905 KB

Christmas Tree for Wildlife.PDF Document [2001]. 1 p.

CITES see also Proposed Revision of CITES Regulations.PDF Document 2006. 2 p.; Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.PDF Document 2003. 2 p. see also CITES TextFWS Link

CITES Appendix I, II,III.PDF Document 2007. 41 p.

CITES Conferences of the Parties: The Process for Becoming an Observer see Process for Becoming an Observer at a CITES Meeting.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

CITES Meetings of the Conference of the Parties (COPs).PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

CITES Permits and Certificates.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.


Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States.PDF Document 1992. 144 p.

Clean Vessel Act: Keep Our Water Clean--Use Pumpouts.PDF Document 1999. 5p. 226 KB

Clear Creek Gambusia Recovery Plan.PDF Document 1980. 35 p. (Region 2)

Coastal Prairie Conservation Initiative.PDF Document (Bookmark). [2000]. 2 p.

Coastal Program 2007-2011: Alaska Region Step-down Plan

Coastal Program: Success in Chesapeake Bay.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in Cook Inlet, Alaska. [2001] 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in Delaware Bay.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in Galveston Bay.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in Puget Sound.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in San Diego Bay.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in San Francisco Bay.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in South Florida.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success in the Gulf of Maine.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success on the New England Coast.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success on the North Carolina Coast.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Coastal Program: Success on the South Carolina Coast.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Coastal Wetland Trends in the Narragansett Bay Estuary During the 20th Century.PDF Document 2004. 45 p. Appendices.PDF Document

Commonly Asked Questions about the Canada Lynx.PDF Document [2000]. 6 p.

Companeros para La Vida Silvestre.PDF Document 2000. 5 p.

Comprehensive Conservation Plans

Conservation Agreement and Strategy for the Alabama Sturgeon.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Conservation in Transition: Leading Change in the 21st Century.PDF Document 16 p.

Conservation of Avian Diversity in North America see Strategies for Conservation of Avian Diversity in North America (MBMO) 1998.

Conservation Partnerships - A Field Guide to Public-Private Partnering for Natural Resource Conservation. 1993.

Conservation Plans see Comprehensive Conservation Plans

Conserving America's Fisheries: A Proud Past, A Bright Future.PDF Document [2003] 6 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Conserving America's Fisheries: Fisheries Program Vision for the Future.PDF Document 2002. 27 p.

Conserving America's Wetlands 2007: Three Years of Progress Implementing the President's Goal.PDF Document 2007. 62 p.

Conserving Aquatic Resources: America's Sport Fishes. (Poster) For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Conserving Borderline Species: A Partnership between the United States and Canada.PDF Document 2001. 25 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Conserving Endangered Species Through PartnershipsFWS Link. 2000.

Conserving the Nature of America.PDF Document 2000. 28p. 536 KB For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD Vietnamese versionPDF Document

Consultation and Habitat Conservation Planning Around the Nation.PDF Document 2000. 5 p. (excerpt from Conserving Endangered Species Through Partnerships.FWS Link 2000.

Consultations with Federal Agencies: Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.PDF Document 2002 2 p.

Contaminant Hazard ReviewsGovernment Link

Contaminant Investigation for Las Vegas National Wildlife Refuge, Las Vegas, New Mexico.PDF Document 1989. 35 p.

Contaminant Residues in Fish From Northeastern Oklahoma. 1988. 15 p.PDF Document

Contaminant Studies on Endangered Bats in Northeastern Oklahoma.PDF Document 1992. 17 p.

Contaminant Survey of the Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge, Chambers County, TX. 1993. 15 p.PDF Document

Contaminants Assessment of the Corpus Christi Bay Complex Texas 1988-1989. 1995. 65 p.PDF Document

Contaminants in Brown Pelican Eggs Collected From Texas and Mexico, 1986.PDF Document 1999. 23 p.

Contaminants in Fish and Wildlife of the Lower Gila River, Arizona. 1997. 61 p.PDF Document

Contaminants in Sonoran Mud Turtles from Quitobaquito Springs, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Arizona. 1996. 12 p.PDF Document

Contaminants in Water, Sediment, and Biota from the Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona. 1994. 76 p.PDF Document

Contaminants Investigation of Aransas Dredge Spoil Islands Texas 1988-1989.PDF Document

Contaminants Investigation of Irrigation Drainwater in The Lower Rio Grande Valley.

Contaminants Investigation of Maxwell National Wildlife RefugePDF Document 28 p.

Contaminants Survey of La Sal Vieja, Willacy County Texas, 1989. 1992. 12 p.PDF Document

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species see CITES TextFWS Link

Conversions Useful in Fish Culture and Fishery Research and Management.PDF Document 2008. 35 p.

Cooperative Tagging Programs.PDF Document July 2000

Correlating Enhanced National Wetlands Inventory Data with Wetland Functions for Watershed Assessments: A Rationale for Northeastern U.S. Wetlands.PDF Document 2003. 26 p.

Creating Connections with our Southern Neighbors: Wildlife Without Borders - Mexico.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Critical Habitat: What Is It?PDF Document 2007. 2 p.

Critical Habitat for Alabama Sturgeon.PDF Document [2001]. 1 p.

Dakota Tallgrass Prairie Habitat Preservation Area Environmental Assessment Phase I.PDF Document 2000. 32 p.

Dakota Tallgrass Prairie Habitat Preservation Area Environmental Assessment Phase II.PDF Document 2000. 32 p.

Deer Hunting in the United States: Demographics and Trends - Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. PDF Document 2011. 24 p.

Delaware Bay Shorebird-Horseshoe Crab Assessment and Peer Review,PDF Document 2003, 107p.

Delisting a Species: Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act.PDF Document 2002 2 p.

Department of Transportation Programmatic Consultation Guidance.FWS Link [1999]. 24 p.

Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizzi).PDF Document Wildlife Fact Sheet. 2010. 2 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Dichotomous Keys and Mapping Codes for Wetland Landscape Position, Landform, Water Flow Path, and Waterbody Type Descriptors.PDF Document 2003. 48 p.

Dichotomous Keys and Mapping Codes for Wetland Landscape Position, Landform, Water Flow Path, and Waterbody Type Descriptors: Version 2.0. PDF Document U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory Program, Northeast Region, Hadley, MA. 2011. 51 pp.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 1999.PDF Document 2000. 87 p.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 2000.PDF Document 2001. 109 p.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 2001.PDF Document 2002. 96 p.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 2002.PDF Document 2003. 96 p.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 2003.PDF Document 2004. 96 p.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 2004.PDF Document 2005. 96 p.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 2005.PDF Document 2006. 96 p.

Division of Law Enforcement Annual Report FY 2006. 2007. 96 p.

Draft Economic Analysis of Critical Habitat Designation for the Mexican Spotted Owl.PDF Document 2000. 67 p. Addendum.PDF Document 2001. 10 p.

Draft Environmental Assessment Designation of the Critical Habitat for the Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida).PDF Document [2000]. 34 p. Title page.PDF Document See also FinalPDF Document

Draft Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Designation of Sixteen Additional Manatee Protection Areas in Florida.PDF Document 2001. 44 p.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Double-Crested Cormorant Management.FWS Link 2001.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement on Light Goose Management.FWS Link 2001. 122 p.

Draft Environmental Impact Statement: Resident Canada Goose Management.FWS Link 2002.

Duck Stamp Contest see 2007 Federal Duck Stamp Contest: Information, Entry Form and Regulations.PDF Document 2006. 8 p.

Ducks at a Distance.Government Link by Bob Hines (USGS/BRD)

Duck Stamp Story. see The Federal Duck Stamp Story Including the Junior Duck Stamp Story.PDF Document 2002. 8 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Dwarf Lake IrisPDF Document (Endangered Species Facts) [2001]. 2 p.

EEO-PLUS: Partners Listening, Understanding, and Solving Alternative Dispute Resolution Program.PDF Document [2001] 2 p. Large Print Version.PDF Document [2001] 6 p.

Eastern Long Island Sound Eelgrass 2006 Inventory maps for Clinton Bay/Westbrook Harbor/Duck Island Roads Sub-Basins;PDF Document Williard Bay/Connecticut River/Old Lyme Shores/Rocky Neck State Park Area Sub-Basins;PDF Document Fishers Island, New York;PDF Document General Eelgrass Distribution;PDF Document Niantic Bay/Jordan Cove/Goshen Cove Area Sub-Basins;PDF Document New London/Paquonock River/ Mumford Cove Area Sub-Basins;PDF Document Long Island North Shore/Plum Island, New York;PDF Document Palmer-West Cove/Mystic Harbor/Quiambog Cove Area Sub-Basins;PDF Document Stonington Harbor/Little Narragansett Harbor Area Sub-Basins.PDF Document

Eastern Massasuaga Snake.PDF Document 1999. 2 p.

Eastern Massasuaga Fact Sheet: Why Conserve a Poisonous Snake?PDF Document 1999. 2 p.

Eastern South Dakota Wetlands.

Ecological Services: Philosophy and Guiding Principles.PDF Document 1999. 12 p.

Ecology of Bottomland Hardwood Swamps of the Southeast: a Community Profile.PDF Document C.H.Wharton, W.M. Kitchens, E.C. Pendleton, and T.W. Sipt, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Biological
Services Program, Washington, D.C. FWS/OBS-81/37 1982. 133 p. (4417 KB).

Ecology of Humboldt Bay, California: an estuarine profile.PDF Document Biological Report 1 1992. 121 p. 16,217 KB

Ecology of Delta Marshes of Coastal Louisiana: a Community Profile.Government Link Gosselink, J.G. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. FWS/OBS-84/09. 1984.134 p. (8510 KB).

Ecology of Maritime Forests of the Southern Atlantic Coast: a Community Profile.PDF Document V.J.Bell, National Biological Service Biological Report 30. 1995. 96 pp. (5452 KB)

Ecology of Peat bogs of the Glaciated Northeastern United States: a Community Profile.PDF Document A.W.H. Damman and T.W. French, Biological Report 85 (7.16). 1987. 100 p.

Ecology of Regularly Flooded Salt Marshes of New England: a Community Profile.PDF Document J.M.Teal, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 85 (7.4). 1986. 61 pp. (7232 KB).

Ecology of the Apalachicola Bay System: an Estuarine Profile.PDF Document FWS/OBS-82/05 1984. 148 p. 12082 KB

Ecology of the seagrass meadows of the west coast of Florida: a community profile.PDF Document J.C.Zieman and R.T. Zieman. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Biological Report 85(7.25). 1989. 155 pp. (4127 KB).

Ecology of Tidal Marshes of the Pacific Northwest Coast: a Community Profile.PDF Document D.M. Saliskar and J.L. Gallagher. Biological Report 85/32. 1983. 65 p.

Economic Analysis of Critical Habitat Designations for 76 Plants from the Islands of Kaua'i and Ni'ihau.PDF Document 2001. 78 p.

Economic Analysis of Critical Habitat Designations for the O'ahu 'Elepaio. Draft.PDF Document 2001. 130 p.

Economic Effects of Trout Production By National Fish Hatcheries in the Southeast, Southeast Region, Atlanta, Georgia.PDF Document [2001] 28 p.

Economic Impact of Waterfowl Hunting in the United States: Addendum to the 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document (Report 2001-9)2005. 16 p.

Economic Impact of Waterfowl Hunting in the United States: Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document(Report 2006-2).2008. 16 p.

Economic Profile of the Upper Mississippi River Region.PDF Document 1999. 108 p.

Economic Uses of the National Wildlife Refuge System Unlikely to Increase Significantly. 1984. [147 p.]

Ecosystem Approach to Fish and Wildlife Management. 1998. See also a later report: An Assessment: Ecosystem Approach to Fish and Wildlife Conservation. 1998.

Ecosystem Plan - South Florida Ecosystem Team.FWS Link (Region 4)

Eelgrass Survey for Eastern Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New YorkPDF Document. 2006. 31 p. See also Eastern Long Island Sound Eelgrass Inventory. 2006

Eelgrass Survey for Eastern Long Island Sound, Connecticut and New YorkPDF Document. 2003.

Employee Pocket Guide: Conserving the Nature of America October 2010 - December 2012.FWS Link 2010.

Employees on the Move: A Handbook on Travel and Transportation Benefits for Transferees.PDF Document 2007. 100 p.

Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants. (Brochure) For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Endangered Bats of America.PDF Document [2006]. 1 p.

Endangered Red Wolves.PDF Document 2006. 9 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Endangered Species see also Recovery PlansFWS Link and Wildlife Fact Sheets.FWS Link Endangered Species. General Information.PDF Document Wildlife Fact Sheet. 1998. (Fact Sheet)

Endangered Species Act and Candidate Species.PDF Document 2001. 1 p.

Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended through the 108th CongressFWS Link. 44pp. (Booklet) For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Endangered Species BulletinFWS Link

Endangered Species Consultation Handbook: Procedures for Conducting Consultation and Conference Activities Under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.FWS Link March 1998.

Endangered Species Recovery Plans.FWS Link

Endangered Species Teacher's Packet see Teacher's Packet to Help Teachers and Students Learn More About Endangered Species.PDF Document 1998. (Booklet) For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Environmental Assessment Designation of the Critical Habitat for the Mexican Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis lucida).PDF Document 2001. 26 p. see also DraftPDF Document

Environmental Assessment: Proposal to Establish Operational/Experimental General Swan Hunting Seasons in the Pacific Flyway.PDF Document 2001. 58 p.

Environmental Assessment Final Proposed Reintroduction of a Migratory Flock of Whooping Cranes in the Eastern United States.PDF Document 2001. 91 p.

Environmental Assessment Proposed Restoration Activities on the Sacramento River National Wildlife Refuge (Ryan, Ohm, Haleakala, Pine Creek, Kaiser, Phelan Island, Koehnen, Hartley Island, and Stone Units).PDF Document 2001. 125 p.

Evaluate Factors Limiting Columbia River Gorge Chum Salmon Populations. FY2000 Annual Report.PDF Document 2001. 14 p.

Evaluate Habitat Use and Population Dynamics of Lampreys in Cedar Creek. Annual Report.PDF Document 2001. 26 p.

Evaluating the Health of Our National Wildlife Refuges: Amphibian Deformities (Malformations).PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Expanding the Vision: 1998 Update to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan.PDF Document 1998. 32 pp.

Exporting CITES Bred-in-Captivity Wildlife.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

PDF DocumentFact Sheet for Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report: Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasability Study.PDF Document [2000]. 4 p.

Facts about Federal Wildlife Laws.PDF Document 2000. 10 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Fairfield Marsh Conservation Partnership Environmental Assessment

Falcon see Peregrine Falcon Road to Recovery.PDF Document [2000]. 1 p.; 1998 Status of Peregrine Falcon Recovery: Number of Known Pairs by State.PDF Document (Map). [2000]. 1 p.; Monitoring Plan for the American Peregrine Falcon: A Species Recovered Under the Endangered Species Act.PDF Document 2003. 60 p.

Familiar Migratory Songbirds.PDF Document 1999. 4 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Feasibility Study on the Reintroduction of Gray Wolves to the Olympic Peninsula. 1999. 359 p. Executive Summary. 1999. 7 p. (Region 1)

Federal Aid Grant Application Booklet: OMB Control Number 1018-0109. Expiration date 01/31/2004.PDF Document 2001. 17 p.

Federal Aid HandbookFWS Link

Federal Aid in Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Updates.PDF Document 1997. 65 p. 

Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Handbook.PDF Document Fourth Edition. June 2000. 36 p. 

Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures FY 1998.PDF Document 2003. 86 p. Appendix A.PDF Document 2003. 126 p. Appendix B.PDF Document 2003. 4 p. see also SummaryPDF Document

Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures FY 1999.PDF Document 2003. 76 p. Appendix A.PDF Document 2003. 242 p. Appendix B.PDF Document 2003. 4 p. see also SummaryPDF Document

Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures FY 2000.PDF Document 2003. 87 p. Appendix A.PDF Document 2003. 232 p. Appendix B.PDF Document 2003. 5 p. see also SummaryPDF Document

Federal & State Listing of Fishery Offices. 1997. (Booklet)

Federal Duck Stamp Contest see 2002 Federal Duck Stamp Contest: Information, Entry Form and Regulations.PDF Document 2002. 8 p.

Federal Duck Stamp Handbook: Procedures for all USFWS Regional Offices and Field LocationsPDF Document (revised May 2003) 2003. 3 p.

The Federal Duck Stamp Story Including the Junior Duck Stamp Story.PDF Document 2002. 8 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Federal Junior Duck Stamp Art Competition see 2003 Federal Junior Duck Stamp Art Competition: Celebrating 100 Years of the National Wildlife Refuge SystemPDF Document. 2002. 8 p.

Federally Listed Species Found in the Vicinity of Current Alabama Sturgeon HabitatPDF Document (Map). [2001]. 1 p.

Field Manual to the Investigation of Fish Kills.PDF Document (Resource Publication 177) 1990.  128 p.

Field Guide to the Submerged Aquatic Vegetation of Cheasapeake Bay. 1992. 51pp. (Booklet) Out of Print

Fifty Birds of City and Town. 1989. 50 p. 

Final Environmental Assessment Proposed Reintroduction of a Migratory Flock of Whooping Cranes in the Eastern United States.PDF Document 2001. 91 p.

Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Proposed Issuance of a Multiple

Final Restoration Plan for Rose Atoll National Wildlife Refuge (including Environmental Assessment) . 2001. 40 p. Part 1 and Part 2.

Fire Documents: 

Fire Ecology. Resource Management Education Unit. 1995. (Teacher's Guide) Out of Print

Fire in North American Wetland Ecosystems and fire-wildlife relations: an annotated bibliography.Government Link Biological Report 88(1)  1988. 146 p. 

Fire Management and Invasive Plants: A Handbook.PDF Document 2009 33 p.

Fire Management Handbook. 2009. PDF Document

Fish and Wildlife Conservation Priorities-Region 3.PDF Document January 2002. 35 p.

Fish and Wildlife Resource Conservation Priorities: Region 3.PDF Document 1999. 29 p.

Fish and Wildlife Service 2001 Annual Performance Plan 1999 Annual Performance Report.PDF Document [2001]. 102  p.

Fish and Wildlife Service 2002 Annual Performance Plan 2000 Annual Performance Report.PDF Document [2002]. 128  p.

Fish and Wildlife Service NEPA Reference Handbook.FWS Link [2000]. 

Fish and Wildlife Service Strategic Plan 2000-2005.PDF Document [2000] 80 p.

Fish Hatchery Brochures

Fish Passage.PDF Document [2002]. 1 p.

Fish Technology Center Directory.PDF Document 2002. 34 p.   For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Fish, Wildlife, and People: A Mark Trail Coloring Book.PDF Document 1998. 36 p.  For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD 

Fishing and Hunting 1991-2001: Avid, Casual, and Intermediate Participation Trends: Addendum to the 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document 2004. 52 p.

Fishing and Hunting Recruitment and Retention in the United States: Addendum to the 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document 2007. 44 p.

Fishing is Fun for Everyone: It's Easy to Learn How.PDF Document 1999. 12p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Florida Manatee Recovery Plan, 3rd revision.PDF Document (Fact Sheet) 2001. 1 p.

Florida Manatee Recovery Plan Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd revision.PDF Document 2001. 4 p.

For the Birds.PDF Document 2001. 52 p.  For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Framework-date Extensions for Duck Hunting in the United States: Supplemental AssessmentFWS Link 1999 (MBMO)

Freshwater Mussels: America's Hidden TreasurePDF Document (Poster 18" x 8.38"). 1999. 562K  Also available in 36"x17"For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Fuel and Fire Effects Monitoring Guide.FWS Link

Fulfilling the Promise: The National Wildlife Refuge System; Visions for Wildlife, Habitat, People and Leadership.PDF Document 1999. Summary.PDF Document 1999.  

Geographically Isolated Wetlands: A Preliminary Assessment of Their Characteristics and Status in Selected Areas of the United States.PDF Document 2002.  270 p.

Get HIP: Your Role in Conserving Migratory Birds Through the Harvest Information Program.PDF Document [2000]. 5 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD ADDITIONAL: Get HIP DecalPDF Document

Geomorphologic Impacts of Culvert Replacement and Removal: Avoiding Channel Incision.PDF Document 2003. 19 p.

Giant Panda Facts. PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Giant Panda Policy: Questions and Answers.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Gray Wolf Biology: Questions and Answers. PDF Document 2011. 8 p.

Gray Wolf (Canis Lupus). PDF Document 2011. 2 p.

Gray Wolf see Summary of the Proposal  to Reclassify/Delist the Gray Wolf.PDF Document  2000. 5 p. References as Cited  in the July 13, 2000 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposal to Reclassify and Delist the Gray Wolf in the Lower 48 States.PDF Document 2000. 6 p.

Gray Wolf Recovery Status ReportsFWS Link (Region 6) 

Great Ape Conservation Fund.PDF Document 2006. 2p.

Great Northern Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PDF Document 2009. 2 p.

Great Plains Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PDF Document 2010. 2 p.

The Grizzly Bear Recovery in the Bitterroot Ecosystem Draft Environmental Impact StatementFWS Link (Region 6) 

A Guide to Nestling Development and Aging in Altricial Passerines.PDF Document Biological Technical Publication BTP-R6008-2007. 2007. 66 p.

Guidelines for Using the Delphi Technique to Develop Habitat Suitability Index Curves.PDF Document Biological Report 82(10.134)  1987. 21 p.  

Gulf Coast Plain and Ozarks [Landscape Conservation Cooperative]. PDF Document 2009. 2 p.

Habitat Conservation Planning and Incidental Take Permit Processing Handbook.FWS Link 1996. see also Draft Addendum to the HCP Handbook (Federal Register Notice 3/9/99)FWS Link

Habitat as a Basis for Environmental Assessment. PDF Document 101 ESM. 1980. 29 p. 

Habitat Conservation Planning Handbook.FWS Link [2000]    Addendum.FWS Link 2000. Executive Summary of the Adddendum to the HCP Handbook.PDF Document 2000. 2 p.   Questions and Answers to the Addendum of the HCP Handbook.PDF Document 2000. 2 p.

Habitat Conservation Plans: The Quiet Revolution.FWS Link 1998. 29 p. 

Habitat Conservation Plans: Section 10 of the Endangered Species Act.PDF Document 2002. 3 p.

Habitat Evaluation Procedures.PDF Document 102 ESM. 1980. 130 p.  

Habitat Suitability Index Models (selected)Government Link

The Hackensack River Watershed, New Jersey/New York: Wetland Characterization, Preliminary Assessment of Wetland Functions, and Remotely-sensed Assessment of Natural Habitat Integrity.PDF Document 2007. 141 p.

Hackensack Watershed, New Jersey/New York Potential Wetlands of Significance for Coastal Storm Surge DetentionPDF Document (Map). [2003]. 1 p.

A Handbook for Outreach, March 2001.PDF Document 40 p.

Hatchery Brochures see Fish Hatchery Brochures.

Hatchery Facts: Frequently Asked Questions.PDF Document (Pacific Region) 1999. 2 p.

Hawaiian Islands Animals.PDF Document Updated November 29, 1999. 17 p. 

Hawaiian Islands Plants.PDF Document Updated January 9, 1998. 14 p. 

Help Preserve and Protect Our Natural ResourcesPDF Document (Recruitment Initiative) 250k 

Hine's Emerald DragonflyPDF Document  (Endangered Species Facts). 2001. 2 p.

Historic Analysis of Wetlands and Their Functions for the Nanticoke River Watershed: A Comparison Between Pre-settlement and 1996 Conditions.PDF Document 2003 126 p.

Historic Preservation: A Responsibility of Every Federal Agency.PDF Document [2001] 8 p.

Home For Pearl - Instructional Guide. 1991. (Booklet) please contact Karol Media at 1-800-526-4773 for copies 

Home For Pearl - Instructional Video Tape. 1991. (70 minutes) please contact Karol Media at 1-800-526-4773 for copies 

Homeowner's Guide to Protecting Frogs-Lawn and Garden Care.PDF Document 2000. 6 p For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

How-To Handbook to Support the National Wildlife Refuge System's Centennial.PDF Document 2001. 101 p.

Human Use and Economic Evaluation.PDF Document 104ESM. 1980. 117 p. 

Hummingbird Haven: Backyard Habitat for Wildlife.PDF Document [2001]. 1 p.

Hunter Education GuidelinesFWS Link

Hunting and Migratory Birds: How Hunters Benefit Many Migratory Bird Species.PDF Document 2000. 2p. 123 KB. 

Identifying Fish Diseases in the Chesapeake Bay and Along the Coast. 1999.

Implementation of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Improvement Act of 2000PDF Document and Projected Spending Report. 2001. 26 p.

Important Facts about Habitat Loss and BirdsPDF Document (MBMO)  1999  2 p.  62K 

Importing Your Bontebok Sport-Hunted Trophies.  PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Importing Your Polar Bear Sport-hunted Trophy.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Importing Your Leopard or African Elephant Trophy.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Integrated Natural Resources Management PlansPDF Document (DOD and FWS). 2002. 2 p.

International Migratory Bird Day (Poster 24" x 18") Out of Stock

Invasive Plants in Our Backyards. [2001]  Front.PDF Document 1 p.   Back.PDF Document 1 p.

An Inventory of Coastal Wetlands, Potential Restoration Sites, Wetland Buffers, and Hardened Shorelines for the Narragansett Bay Estuary: An Assessment Report from the National Wetlands Inventory Program.PDF Document 2003. 182 p.

Inventory of Submerged Aquatic Vegetation and Hardened Shorelines for the Peconic Estuary, New YorkPDF Document. 2003. 53 p.

Investigation of Fish Kills see Field Manual to the Investigation of Fish KillsPDF Document (Resource Publication 177). 1990.  128 p.

Investigation of Rearing and Release Strategies Affecting Adult Production of Spring Chinook Salmon.PDF Document 1997. 13 p.

Job Corps Program: Open the Door to the Future.PDF Document 1998. 5  p.

Kirtland's Warbler: Dendroica kirtlandiiPDF Document 2010  2 p.   For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Klamath River Watershed Restoration Project: Request for Proposals.PDF Document 1999. 27 p. 

Laguna Madre: A New Day...Uno Nuevo Dia.PDF Document 2001.  2 p.

Lake Erie Water SnakePDF Document (Endangered Species Facts). 1999. 2 p.

Lake Sturgeon: Giant of the Great Lakes.PDF Document

Landscape Conservation Cooperatives see Arctic, California, Great Northern, Great Plains, Gulf Coast Plain and Ozarks, North Atlantic, North Pacific, Pacific Islands, Plains and Prairie Potholes, South Atlantic, and Upper Midwest and Great Lakes

Law Enforcement, Division of  - SEE   Division of Law Enforcement Annual Reports

Leaving a Lasting Legacy: Permits as a Conservation Tool.PDF Document 2002. 20 p.

Let's Get the Lead Out.PDF Document 1999. 3 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Listing as Species as Threatened or Endangered: Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Listing and Recovery Planning for Bull Trout.PDF Document [2000]. 9 p.

Long-Billed Curlew (Numenius americanus) Rangewide Survey and Monitoring Guidelines.PDF Document 2003 12 p.

Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report see Draft Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasibility Report/Environmental Impact Statement. Appendix M: Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report.PDF Document 1999. 283 p. See also: Fact Sheet for Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act Report: Lower Snake River Juvenile Salmon Migration Feasability Study.PDF Document [2000]. 4 p.

Lynx see Canada Lynx

Lynx Primary Areas of Occurance (Primary Habitat) in the Contiguous United States.PDF Document 1999. 1 p.

Maine Wetlands and Waters: Results of the National Wetlands InventoryPDF Document. 2007. 32 p.

Management Assistance Program. [2002]. 1 p.PDF Document

Managing Oil and Gas Activities in Coastal Environments: Refuge ManualPDF Document. FWS/OBS-81/22 1981. 468 p.
Manatee see   Draft Environmental Assessment of the Proposed Designation of Sixteen Additional Manatee Protection Areas in Florida.PDF Document 2001. 44 p.;    Florida Manatee Recovery Plan, 3rd revision.PDF Document (Fact Sheet) 2001. 1 p.; Florida Manatee Recovery Plan Frequently Asked Questions, 3rd revision.PDF Document 2001. 4 p.; Maps of Proposed Federal Manatee Protection Areas.FWS Link 2001.

Mangrove Community Boundary interpretation and Detection of Areal Changes in Marco island, Florida: Application of Digital Image Processing and Remote Sensing TechniquesPDF Document. 1986. Biological Report 86(10). 104 p. 

Maps of Proposed Federal Manatee Protection Areas.FWS Link 2001.

Marsh Bird Monitoring Workshop Proceedings (April 26-28, 1998, Laurel, MD).PDF Document 1999.  57 p. 274 K 

Mexican Wolf Recovery: Three-Year Program Review and Assessment.PDF Document 2001, 96 p.

Mid-Atlantic Wetlands: A Disappearing National Treasure.PDF Document 1987. 36 p.

Migration of BirdsPDF Document. Circular 16. Revised. 1998. 113 p.

Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 2000 Annual Report.PDF Document 2001. 38 p.

Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 2002 Annual Report.PDF Document 2003. 41p.

Migratory Bird Conservation Commission 2011 Annual Report.PDF Document 2012. 44p.

Migratory Bird Hunting RegulationsFWS Link

Migratory Birds and Contaminants: Bald Eagles Along the Lower Columbia River Estuary.PDF Document 1999. 2 p.

Migratory Non-Game Birds of Management Concern in the United States: THE 1995 LIST (MBMO) 

Military and the Endangered Species Act: Interagency Cooperation.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Mississippi FlywayPDF Document (Map) [2001] 1 p.   Black & White VersionPDF Document

Molt and Aging Criteria for Four North American Grassland Passerines.PDF Document Biological Technical Publication (BTP-R6011-2008). 2008. 27 p.

Monarch Butterfly Royal Mail: Manual for the Environmental Educator. 1999.(Booklet) For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Monitoring Results for Breeding American Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus anatum), 2003.PDF Document Biological Technical Publication. BTP-R1005-2006. 2006. 36 p.

Mourning Dove Breeding Population Status, 2001.PDF Document 2001. 35 p.  

Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) Harvest and Population Parameters Derived from a National Banding Study.PDF Document Biological Technical Publication (BTP-R3010-2008). 2008. 57 p.

NWI Maps Made Easy: A User's Guide to National Wetland Inventory Maps of the Northeast Region.PDF Document 1991. 18 p.

National Conservation Training Center Catalog of Training.

National Fish Habitat Action Plan.PDF Document 2006. 28 p.

National Fish Passage Program: Reconnecting Aquatic Species to Historic Habitats.PDF Document 2003. 52 p.

National List of Vascular Plant Species That Occur in Wetlands 1996 National Summary.PDF Document 1997. 209 p.  1996 Synonymy.PDF Document 1997. 253 p.

National Outreach Strategy: A Master Plan for Communicating in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.PDF Document 1997. 26 p.   see also A Handbook of Outreach, March 2001.PDF Document 40 p.

National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. See: 

1991 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, 124 pp., 73 tables, and appendices.Government Link  1993.  

1996 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document 1997. 123 pp., 64 tables, plus appendices.

2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation: National Overview, Issued May 2002.PDF Document 2002. 23 p.

2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation: State Overview, Issued June 2002.PDF Document 2002. 32 p.

2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. 2007.PDF Document

2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation National Overview. PDF Document 2012. 24 p.

National Wetlands Inventory: A Strategy for the 21st Century.PDF Document 2002. 16 p.

National Wetlands Priority Conservation Plan.PDF Document 6/1991 edition. 88 p.

National Wild Fish Health Survey: Laboratory Procedures ManualPDF Document. 2006. 411 p.

National Wildlife Refuge System FY 2003 President's Budget Request.PDF Document 2002. 4 p.

National Wildlife Refuge System ChronologyFWS Link

National Wildlife Refuge System Coloring Book. PDF Document 2009. 36 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

National Wildlife Refuge System: Profile of the Refuge System.PDF Document 1999. 1 p. 52K 

National Wildlife Refuge System Strategic Plan for the National Wildlife Refuge System Biological Monitoring Team Pilot Project Fiscal Years 2006-2010. PDF Document 2005. 29 p.

National Wildlife Refuges - A Visitor's Guide.PDF Document 2002.  For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

National Wildlife Refuges Inhabited by Bald Eagles.PDF Document 1 p.

National Wildlife Refuges (NWR) To Be Surveyed for Deformed Amphibians in 2000.PDF Document 1999. 

Native American Activities - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Southeast Region/FY 2001.PDF Document 2002. 4 p.

Native American Policy of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.PDF Document [1994]. 12 p.

Native Plants for Your Backyard. [2001]. Front.PDF Document 1 p.   BackPDF Document. 1 p.

Natural Resource Damage Assessment and Restoration Program: An Introduction.PDF Document 2001. 2 p. 

Neonatal Mortality of Elk in Wyoming: Environmental, Population, and
Predator Effects.
PDF Document Biological Technical Publication. BTP-R6007-2006. 2006. 44 p.

Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation ActPDF Document (Fact Sheet). 2001. 1 p.

NEPA see Fish and Wildlife Service NEPA Reference Handbook.PDF Document [2000]. 

Nest Boxes for Birds (Wildlife Leaflet 510).PDF Document 1976. 16 p.

Net Economic Values for Wildlife-Related Recreation in 2006: Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. Report 2006-5PDF Document 2009. 32 p.

Net Worth: The Economic Value of Fisheries Conservation. PDF Document 2011. 8 p.

New Hampshire Wetlands and Waters: Results of the National Wetlands InventoryPDF Document. 2007. 28 p.

Non-Game Birds of Management  Concern: The 1995 List.FWS Link 1996. (MBMO) 

North American Bird Conservation Initiative: Bringing It All Together.PDF Document 2000. Maps and Summary.  

North American Bird Conservation Initiative in the United States: A Vision of American Bird Conservation.PDF Document 2000. 29 p.

North American Waterfowl Management Plan 1998 United States Progress ReportPDF Document. (NAWCC) 1999.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act Progress Report, 1998-1999.PDF Document 2000. 40pp.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act Progress Report, 2000-2001.PDF Document 2000. 41pp.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act Progress Report, 2002-2003.PDF Document 2004. 48 p.

North American Wetlands Conservation Act  Small Grants Instructions.PDF Document (NAWCA) 2007.

North Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PDF Document 2009. 2 p.

North Pacific Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PDF Document2010. 2 p.

Northern MonkshoodPDF Document (Endangered Species Facts). [2001]. 2 p.

Observations of the Near-Shore Fish Community in the U.S. Waters of Northern Lake Huron, 1993. 1994. (Region 3) 

Oil and Nature.PDF Document 1998. (Region 5)

Oil Spills and the Public.PDF Document 1999. 1 p. 

Our Endangered Species Program and How It Works.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Our Island RiversPDF Document (Boqueron, Puerto Rico Field Office) [2001] 1 p. Spanish VersionPDF Document

Out and About: the Pacific Region Outreach Newsletter.FWS Link (Region 1)

Outreach Handbook see A Handbook for Outreach, March 2001.PDF Document 40 p.

Outdoors America: Recreational Opportunities on Public Lands.  1998. (Brochure) Out of Print

Pacific FlywayPDF Document  (Map). [2001] 1 p.   Black & White VersionPDF Document

Pacific Islands Climate Change Cooperative. PDF Document 2010. 2 p.

Pacific Islands (excluding Hawai'i) Plants and Animals.PDF Document Updated November 5, 1998. 3 p. 

Pacific Salmon and Steelhead Coloring Book.PDF Document [2000] 15 p. (Region 1) 

Panda see Giant Panda Policy: Questions and Answers.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Paradise Lost? The Coastal Prairie of Louisiana and Texas.PDF Document 2000. 21 p.  

Parker River Watershed: An Assessment of Recent Trends in Salt Marshes, Their Buffers, and River-Stream Buffer Zones (1985-1999).PDF Document 2002. 24 p. Map 1PDF Document; Map 2PDF Document; Map 3PDF Document; Map 4PDF Document; Map 5.PDF Document

Partners for Fish & Wildlife Program: Restoring Wildlife Habitat on Minnesota’s Private Lands.PDF Document 2005. 6 p.

Partners in Flight Watch ListPDF Document  (MBMO) 1999  3 p. 66K 

Partnerships with States: Tools for Helping Communities and Landowners Conserve Species Habitat.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Participation and Expenditure Patterns of African-American, Hispanic, and Female Hunters and Anglers.  Report 2001-4.  Addendum to 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. PDF Document 2004. 44 p.

Participation and Expenditure Patterns of African-American, Hispanic, and Female Hunters and Anglers.  Report 2006-11.  Addendum to 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. PDF Document 2012. 20 p.

Pelican Island: Honoring a Legacy.PDF Document 1999. 16 p. 690 KB 

Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus).PDF Document Fact Sheet. 2006 2 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Peregrine Falcon Road to Recovery.PDF Document [2000]. 1 p.

Performance, People, Partners.PDF Document[2002]. 1 p.

Permits for Native Species Under the Endangered Species Act.PDF Document 2002. 4  p.

Pesticides and BirdsPDF Document (MBMO)  2000.  2 p.  62K 

Petition Process: For Requests to List a Species As Threatened or Endangered Under the Endagered Species Act.PDF Document 2001. 1 p.

Plains and Prairie Potholes Landscape Conservation Cooperative. 2009. 2 p.

Plant Rescue Center see U.S. Plant Rescue Center Program.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.  

Plants for Your Backyard Habitat.PDF Document [2001]. 1 p.

Polar Bear: Frequently Asked Questions. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposal to List

Polar Bears as Threatened Species.PDF Document 2006. 10 p.

Polar Bear (Ursus maritimus) PDF Document Wildlife Fact Sheet. 2009. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Investigation for the San Juan River, San Juan County, New Mexico.PDF Document 1994. 19 p.

Potential Impacts of Proposed Oil and Gas Development on the Arctic's Plain: Historical Overview and Issues of Concern.PDF Document (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge)  2001. 20 p. PDF Document

Predicting Wetland Functions at the Landscape Level for Coastal Georgia Using NWIPlus Data. PDF Document U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Wetlands Inventory Program,
Region 5, Hadley, MA. In cooperation with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources,
Coastal Resources Division, Brunswick, GA and Atkins North America, Raleigh, NC. 2011. 29 pp.

A Preliminary Biological Assessment of Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge.PDF Document Biological Technical Publication. BTP-R6004-2004. 2004. 52 p.

A Preliminary Biological Assessment of Long Lake National Wildlife Refuge Complex, North Dakota.PDF Document Biological Technical Publication. BTP-R6006-2006. 2006. 76 p.

Preliminary Estimates of Waterfowl Harvests and Hunter Activity in the United States During the 2001 Hunting Season.PDF Document 2002. 38 p.

Procedures for the Use of Aircraft in Wildlife Biotelemetry Studies.PDF Document 1981. 22 p. PDF Document

Proceedings of the Marsh Bird Monitoring Workshop (April 26-28, 1998, Laurel, MD).PDF Document 1999.  57 p. 274 K 

Process for Becoming an Observer at a CITES Meeting.PDF Document 2003. 2 p. 2 p.

Profile of Land Protection Actions as of September 30, 1998. PDF Document   1999.PDF Document 8 p.  2000.PDF Document 2001.PDF Document 8 p. 2002.PDF Document 8 p. 2003.PDF Document 8 p.

Proposed Policy for Evaluation of Conservation Efforts When Making Listing Decisions.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Proposed Revision of CITES Regulations.PDF Document 2006. 2 p.

Protecting Endangered Species on Military Land: the Sonoran Pronghorn.PDF Document 2005. 2 p.

Protecting the National Wildlife Refuge System: Law Enforcement Requirements for the 21st CenturyPDF Document. 2000. 171 p. 

Puerto Rican Karst.PDF Document [2001] 1p.

Puerto Rican ParrotPDF Document [2001] 1 p.

Puerto Rican Parrot Release.PDF Document [2001] 2 p.

Quiet Revolution see Habitat Conservation Plans: The Quiet Revolution.FWS Link 1998. 29 p. 

Quick Facts. From the 2001 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-associated Recreation.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Rare, Threatened, and Endangered Plant Species of Southwest Florida and Potential OCS Activity Impacts.PDF Document FWS/OBS 81/50 1981. 96 p. 

Recent Wetland Status and Trends in the Chesapeake Watershed (1982-1989) technical Report.PDF Document 1994. 1001 p.

Recent Wetland Trends in Southeastern Virginia: 1994-2000.PDF Document 2005. 21 p.

Recovery PlansFWS Link

Red-Cockaded Woodpecker.PDF Document 2002. 17 p.  For a copy of 1-800-344-WILD

Reducing Pesticide Risk to Wildlife.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Reestablishment of bottomland hardwood forests on disturbed sites: an annotated bibliography.PDF Document R.J. Haynes,  J.A. Allen, and E.C. Pendleton.  U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Biological Report 88(42). 1988. 104  p. 1272 KB. 

References as Cited  in the July 13, 2000 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposal to Reclassify and Delist the Gray Wolf in the Lower 48 States.PDF Document 2000. 6 p.

Refuge Brochures

Refuges, Flyways and Migratory Waterfowl.PDF Document 2010. 7 p. For a copy of 1-800-344-WILD

Relocation Assistance for Owners, Tenants and Businesses.PDF Document 2001. 50 p.  

Report of Lands Under Control of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as of September 30, 2000. 2001. 45 p. 

Report to Congress on the Recovery Program for Threatened and Endangered Species.PDF Document 1996. 

Restoring Our Resources: California's Upper Sacramento River - Cantara Loop.FWS Link 1999. 2 p. 

Restoring Our Resources: Midco I and II Superfund Sites, Northwestern Indiana.PDF Document 1999. (Region 3) 

Restoring Out Resources: Potomac River and Sugarland Run: The Colonial Pipeline Oil Spill of 1993.FWS Link 1999. 2 p. 

Restoring Our Resources: Saginaw River and Saginaw Bay.PDF Document 1999. 2 p. (Region 3) 

Restoring Our Resources: Utah's Jordan River-Sharon Steel and Midvale Slag.FWS Link 1999. 2 p. (Region 6) 

Restoring Our Resources: Vermont's Bennington Landfill.FWS Link 1999. 2 p. 

Return of the Black-footed Ferret to Mexico: A New Day...Un Nuevo Dia.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Return of the Condor: A New Day...Un Nuevo Dia.PDF Document 2001. 1 p.

Revenue Sharing Payments.PDF Document 2002. 8 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Review of the Status of Greater and Lesser Scaup in North America PDF Document 1999. 53 p. 

Rhinoceros & Tiger Conservation Act: Summary Report. 1999-2000.PDF Document 2000. 36 p. (IA) 

Rhinoceros & Tiger Conservation Act: Summary Report. 2001-2003.PDF Document 2004. 52 p.  

Rhinoceros & Tiger Conservation Fund.PDF Document 2006. 2 p.

Right Science in the Right Places: Landscape Conservation Cooperatives. 2010. 1 p.

The Road Back: Endangered Species Recovery, Success with Partners.FWS Link 1998. 18 p. 

Safe Harbor Agreements for Private Property Owners: Questions and Answers.PDF Document 1999. 2 p. 

Safe Harbor/Habitat Conservation Plan for the Gulf Coast Prairies of Texas: Questions and Answers.PDF Document 1999. 2 p. 

Salt Marsh Trends in Selected estuaries of Southwestern Connecticut.PDF Document 2006. 25 p.

Sampling Marbled Murrelets at Sea: Tests of Survey Methods and Designs.PDF Document Draft. 1999. 35 p. 

Service at Coastal Oil Spills.FWS Link 1998. 1 p. 

Shade Coffee Plantations: Sustainable Way to Protect WildlifePDF Document. [2000] 1 p.

Shared Commitment to Conservation see Annual Reports of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Significant Coastal Habitats of Southern New England  see Northeast Coastal Areas Study: Significant Coastal Habitats of Southern New England and Portions of Long Island, NY.  1991.

South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative. PDF Document 2009. 2 p.

South Carolina's Wetlands Status and Trends, 1982-1989.PDF Document 1999. 61 p.

South Florida Ecosystem Team Ecosystem Plan.PDF Document 1998. 90 p. PDF Document

Southeast Wetlands: Status and Trends, mid-1970's to mid-1980's.FWS Link 1994. (Region 4) 

Souvenir Duck Stamp Card.PDF Document 1p. 2000. 93 KB. 

Special Agent.PDF Document 2000. 7 p. 510 KB 

Species, Age and Sex Identification of Ducks Using Wing PlumageGovernment Link. 1992.

Species Profiles.Government Link(USGS/BRD/NWRC) 

Spirit of Cooperation: Wildlife Without Borders - India.PDF Document 2001. 2 p.

Sport Fish Restoration Program.PDF Document 1999. 65p. 582k 

Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration and Associated Grant Programs. Program Update March 2004.PDF Document 2004. 66 p.

Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Update February 2001.PDF Document 2001. 44 p.

Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Update September 2001PDF Document 2001. 20 p.

Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Update March 2002. PDF Document 2002. 17 p.

Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Update September 2002.PDF Document 2002. 20 p.

Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Update March 2003.PDF Document 2003. 34 p.

Sport Fish and Wildlife Restoration Program Update September 2003.PDF Document 2003. 38 p.
Standards for the Development of Habitat Suitability Index Models.PDF Document 103 ESM. 1981. 

Statistical Guide to Data Analysis of Avian Monitoring Programs.PDF Document BTP-R6001-1999. Biological Technical Publication. 1999. 

Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Coastal Watersheds of the Eastern United States 1998 to 2004.PDF Document 2008. 36 p.

Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Conterminous United States Mid-1970's to Mid 1980's. 1991.PDF Document 28 p. 1991. 

Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Conterminous United States 1986 to 1997. PDF Document (for high resolution scan, click herePDF Document)

Status and Trends of Wetlands in the Conterminous United States 1998 to 2004.PDF Document 2006. 116 p. (for high resolution scan, click herePDF Document) For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Status Assessment and Conservation Action Plan for the Long-Billed Curlew (Numenius americanus). Biological Technical Publication BTP-R6012-2009. 2009. 112 p.

Status Assessment and Conservation Plan for the Western Burrowing Owl in the United States.PDF Document Biological Technical Publication BTP-R6001-2003. 2003. 120 p.

Status Assessments:    Cassin's SparrowPDF Document 2000. 112 p.      Cerulean Warbler. PDF Document 2000. 154. p. PDF Document Double-crested CormorantPDF Document 2001. 377 p. Eastern Massasauga. 1998. 71 p.PDF Document Leptodea leptodon (Scaleshell Mussel).PDF Document 1998. 41 p. Western Burrowing OwlPDF Document 2003. 1120 p. 

Status of Alaska Wetlands.PDF Document 1994. 34 p.

Status of the Double-crested Cormorant (Phalacrocorax auritus) in North America.PDF Document 2001. 371 p.  

Status Report for the National Wetlands Inventory Program: 2009. PDF Document 64 p. 

Status Review and Conservation Recommendations for the Gull-billed Tern (Gelochelidon nilotica) in North America. Biological Technical Publication, BTP-R1013-2010. 2010. 84 p.

Status Review for Anadromous Atlantic Salmon in the United States. 1999.

Strategic Habitat Conservation: Final Report of the National Ecological Assessment Team.PDF Document 2006. 48 p.

Strategic Habitat Conservation Handbook: A Guide to Implementing the Technical Elements of the Startegic Habitat Conservation (Version 1.0)PDF Document. 2008. 24 p. 

Strategies for Conservation of Avian Diversity in North America (MBMO) 

Summary of the Proposal to Reclassify/Delist the Gray Wolf.PDF Document 2000. 5 p.

Supervisor's Checklist for the Integrated Charge Card Program.PDF Document [2000]. 8 p. 244 KB 

A System for Mapping Riparian Areas in the Western United States.PDF Document 1997. 15 p.  

Tampa Bay Environmental Atlas.PDF Document Biological report 85(15)  1984. 73 p. + 38 separate maps. 7797 KB 

Teacher's Packet to Help Teachers and Students Learn More About Endangered Species.PDF Document 1998. Booklet. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Technical Publications of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Fish Technology Centers 1966-present.FWS Link

Texas Coastal Wetlands: Status and Trends mid 1950's to Early 1990's.PDF Document 1997. 79 p.

Three-Year Summary of Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures.PDF Document 2003. 9 p. see also Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures FY 1998.PDF Document 2003. 86 p. Appendix A.PDF Document 2003. 126 p. Appendix B.PDF Document 2003. 4 p. Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures FY 1999.PDF Document 2003. 76 p. Appendix A.PDF Document 2003. 242 p. Appendix B.PDF Document 2003. 4 p. Federal and State Endangered and Threatened Species Expenditures FY 2000.PDF Document 2003. 87 p. Appendix A.PDF Document 2003. 232 p. Appendix B.PDF Document 2003. 5 p.

Tidal Marshes: the Boundary Between Land and Ocean.PDF Document FWS/OBS-80/15  1980. 12 p. 

Trends in Duck Breeding Populations, 1955-2001.PDF Document 2001. 19 p. .(MBMO) 

Trends in Fishing and Hunting 1991-2006: A Focus on Fishing and Hunting by Species
Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.
Report 2006-8. PDF Document 2010. 72 p.

Trends in Hunting on Public and Private Land: Analysis Paper Based on the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation. PDF Document 2011. 13 p.

Trout Fishing in 2006: A Demographic Description and Economic Analysis. Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document  2010. 24 p. 

Trumpeter Swan Population Status, 2000.PDF Document 2001. 15 p. PDF Document

Trumpeter Swan Survey of the Rocky Mountain Population.PDF Document 2003. 29 p.

Turkey Hunting in 2006: An Analysis of Hunter Demographics, Trends, and Economic Impacts - Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting and Wildlife-Associated Recreation.PDF Document  2010. 26 p.

U.S. CITES Biennial Report 2000-2001.PDF Document 2002. 30 p.

U.S. Endangered Species Act: Permits for Non-native Species and Export of Non-native and Native Species.PDF Document 2002. 2 p.

U.S. Plant Rescue Center Program.PDF Document 2003. 2 p.

Unknown Heroes: Tennessee's Endangered and Threatened Species.PDF Document [2000]. 2 p. 64 KB 

Update to the North American Waterfowl Management Plan - Expanding the Vision.PDF Document 1998. 32 pp.

Upper Midwest and Great Lakes Landscape Conservation Cooperative. 2009. 2 p.

Upper Yellowstone Mapping Project.PDF Document 2001. 32 p.

Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds.PDF Document 2000. 1 p.

Volunteer Reports see 1999 Volunteer Report.PDF Document 16 pp. 2000. PDF Document; 2000 Volunteer Report.PDF Document 20 pp. 2000. PDF Document  2001 Volunteer Report.PDF Document 2002. 20 p.

Volunteers: Helping Us Help Wildlife (Brochure) Part 1PDF Document and Part 2PDF Document For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Water Quality: Environmental Contaminants Branch.PDF Document [2004]. 1 p.

Warm Springs Fish Health CenterPDF Document (Fact Sheet) [2000]. 2 p.

Waterfowl Management HandbookGovernment Link 1988.

Waterfowl Population Status, 2001.PDF Document 2001. 51 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2002.PDF Document 2002. 52 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2003.PDF Document 2003. 54 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2004.PDF Document 2004. 54 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2005.PDF Document 2005. 54 p.
Waterfowl Population Status, 2006.PDF Document 2006. 61 p.

Watershed-Based Wetland Characterization for Delaware's Nanticoke River Watershed: A Preliminary Assessment Report.PDF Document 2001. 103 p.

Watershed-Based Wetland Characterization for Maryland's Nanticoke River and Coastal Bays Watershed: A Preliminary Report.PDF Document 2000. 212 p.

Ways Citizens Can Contribute to Conservation of Wild Birds. PDF Document (MBMO)  2000.  2 p.

Wetland Characterization and Preliminary Assessment of Wetland Functions for the Delaware and Catskill Watersheds of the New York City Water Supply System.PDF Document 2004. 134 p.

Wetland Losses in the United States: 1780s to 1980s.PDF Document 1990. 13 p.

Wetland Resources of Yellowstone National Park.PDF Document 2000. 

Wetland Status and Trends for the Hackensack Meadowlands: An Assessment Report from the National Wetlands Inventory Program.PDF Document 2002. 34 p. HTML version.

Wetland Trends of Selected Areas pf the Casco Bay Estuary of the Gulf of Maine (1974-77 to 1984-87)PDF Document. 1994. 20 p.

Wetlands Coloring Book.PDF Document 1999. 24 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD 

Wetlands of International Importance.PDF Document 2000. 26 p. 

Wetlands of Delaware. PDF Document 1985. 94 p.

Wetlands of Maryland.PDF Document 1995. 261 p.

Wetlands of New Jersey.PDF Document 1985. 127 p.

Wetlands of Rhode Island.PDF Document 1989. 97 p.

Wetlands of the Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area.PDF Document 2003. 35 p.

Wetlands of the Northeast: Results of the National Wetlands Inventory. PDF Document 2010. 80 p.

What Exactly Is International Migratory Bird Day?PDF Document 2000. 2 p.

When to Feed Birds in Alaska.PDF Document 2002. 1 p.

Who Lives in Your Backyard? Backyard Habitat for Wildlife. [PDF Document2001]. 1 p.

Whooping Crane Migration Routes and Nonessential Experimental Population Areas.PDF Document [2001]. 1 p.

Whooping Cranes see also Final Environmental Assessment Proposed Reintroduction of a Migratory Flock of Whooping Cranes in the Eastern United States.PDF Document 2001. 91 p.

Whooping Crane Recovery.PDF Document [2001]. 2 p.

Why Save Endangered Species?PDF Document 2005 For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Wild About Life - Activity Guide. 1997. (Booklet) please contact Karol Media at 1-800-526-4773 for copies

Wild About Life - An Instructional Video Tape. 1997. (55 minutes) please contact Karol Media at 1-800-526-4773 for copies

Wild Turkey Harvest Management: Biology, Strategies, and Techniques.PDF Document 1999. 104 p.

Wildlife Fact Sheets - about wildlife, For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Wildlife Inspector.PDF Document 2011. 4 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Wildlife Refuges see Refuge Brochures

Wildlife Watching in the U.S.: The Economic Impacts on National and State Economies in 2006. Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (Report 2006-1)PDF Document. 2008. 16 p.

Wildlife Watching Trends 1991-2006: Addendum to the 2006 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (Report 2006-3)PDF Document. 2009. 96 p.

Wildlife Without BordersPDF Document (latest issue)

Wildlife Without Borders Russia:Summary Report 2001-2002.PDF Document 2004. 16p.

Wildife Without Borders:Summary Report 2000-2002.PDF Document 2004. 28 p.

Winged Ambassadors: Bird Conservation in the Caribbean.PDF Document 1999. 2p.

Winged Mapleleaf [Mussel]PDF Document (Endangered Species Facts). 2001. 2 p.

Wolf Tracks: A Summary of Gray Wolf Activities and Issues.FWS Link July 2000. (Region 3)

Wolves see Gray Wolf (Canis Lupus).PDF Document Wildlife Fact Sheet. 2006 2 p. 328K; Summary of the Proposal to Reclassify/Delist the Gray Wolf.PDF Document 2000. 5 p. References as Cited in the July 13, 2000 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Proposal to Reclassify and Delist the Gray Wolf in the Lower 48 States.PDF Document 2000. 6 p. Wolves in North America.PDF Document 2000. (Region 3) Endangered Red Wolves.PDF Document 1997. 9 p. For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Wolves in North America.PDF Document 2000. (Region 3)

Writing Refuge Management Goals and Objectives. PDF Document 2004. 34 p.

You asked about HuntingPDF Document. Biologue Series. 1998 (Fact Sheet) For a copy call 1-800-344-WILD

Your Polar Bear Sport-Hunted TrophyPDF Document

Zap the Zebra: The 100th Meridian Initiative to Prevent the Westward Spread of Zebra Mussels.PDF Document 2002. 2 p.

Zebra Mussel.PDF Document Wildlife Fact Sheet. [2000]. 2 p. 122 KB


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Last updated: January 25, 2013