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The OCC’s Senior Policy Accountants participate in developing and interpreting generally accepted accounting principles for national banks that represent more than 67 percent of the country's banking assets. These accountants meet with controllers and senior policy professionals of the nation's largest banks as well as senior partners and managers of the "Big Four" and other large accounting firms. Senior policy accounting professionals also teach at schools within the OCC, make presentations at OCC and industry conferences, and interact with accountants and other regulators around the world.

Job responsibilities include:

  • Formulating accounting policy and reporting standards for national banks.
  • Identifying solutions to complex accounting issues raised by bank examiners, banks, and the accounting profession.
  • Coordinating policy development with the accounting standard-setters, including the Financial Accounting Standards Board, Securities and Exchange Commission, and other regulatory agencies.
  • Participating in the development of international accounting standards and supervisory guidance through the OCC's representation on the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision and related working groups.


Salaries begin at approximately $80,000 for Senior Policy Accountant positions. Depending on the person's qualifications, experience, and expected contributions to the organization, salaries can reach nearly $192,000.

Other Accounting Opportunities

The OCC's Chief Accountant's Office employs certified public accountants who generally have significant public accounting experience. The Chief Accountant's Office also has opportunities at district offices. District Accountants perform many of the same functions as senior policy accountants in identifying solutions to accounting issues raised by bank examiners and banks.