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My AmeriCorps

The My AmeriCorps website provides a one-stop-shop for AmeriCorps State and National, VISTA and NCCC members and alumni - presenting a wealth of information and self-service capabilities, including access to the former AmeriCorps Online Payment System.

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Benefits of AmeriCorps VISTA Service for Individuals


I'm Ready To Serve in AmeriCorps VISTA!

AmeriCorps VISTA offers 6,500 opportunities to fight poverty with passion at more than 1,200 projects across the country.

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VISTAs serve for a variety of reasons, from wanting to make the world a better place to discovering a life-changing adventure. For one year, you will be doing everything you can to create and expand programs that ultimately bring individuals and communities out of poverty.

As a VISTA, you’ll gain:

  • Memorable experiences
  • Highly developed skills
  • New friends
  • A sense of belonging to a community
  • Feeling of waking up every morning to help the world
  • A new challenge

Recent graduates gain the kind of real-world experience they can’t find in a typical entry-level job. Experienced adults apply their skills and knowledge to serious social problems and discover previously untapped strengths.

In return for a year of full-time service, you’ll also receive other benefits as well:

  • A Segal AmeriCorps Education Award or post-service stipend
  • Modest living allowance
  • Healthcare benefits while in service
  • Childcare assistance while in service
  • Student loan forbearance or deferment while in service
  • One year of noncompetitive status for a federal government job
  • Access to the network of VISTA & VISTA alumni (170,000 strong)

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