Jeff Mount addresses California's biggest water challenge


Mark Mehos describes solar power towers


Moon, Mars will shine up high before dawn on October 11

Anthony Colaprete on the NASA mission that bombarded the moon

EarthSky talked with NASA's Anthony Colaprete about the LCROSS mission to impact the moon with a pie >> read more

Interviews of the Week

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Ask the Scientists

EarthSky invited children around the world to ask questions about science. >>

International Polar Year at EarthSky

Hear from scientists who have explored Earth's north and south poles.>>

Summit: America's Climate Choices

The National Academies responded in early 2009 to a request from the U.S. Congress.>>

Forests on the Edge

Hear scientists and other experts speaking about U.S. forests and forest issues>>

Chronicles of a Science Experiment

The stories of science are stories of people. EarthSky follows the science journey of nano research>>