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Developer Tools


This page contains links to ECHO resources that are of use to developers wishing to incorporate ECHO data into their website or application.

ECHO has several types of data sets available to those with larger data needs. These larger data sets are available to developers, programmers, academics, analysts, and the public. Please visit the Data Download page if you would like to learn more about downloading ECHO data for use on your project, website, or application.

ECHO Quick Search Widget

Environmental enforcement and compliance data has been combined with Google's mapping functionality to provide facility location and compliance status along with zooming capabilities and satellite photographic images. Facilities are color-coded based on compliance status, and can be identified by ZIP code, address, city, and state.

Use the following code to embed the ECHO Quick Search Widget in your website:

<div style="width:188px;height:223px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;">
	<iframe src="http://www.epa-echo.gov/echo/echo_mapping_widget2.html"
	scrolling="no" frameborder="0px"

ECHO Maps Widget

The ECHO Map Widget provides web developers with access to our specialized maps featuring compliance and enforcement data for Clean Air Act (CAA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) facilities. To add a widget, you must be able to edit your Web page. If you need help in adding a widget to your Web page, please contact your Webmaster or service provider.

Please note: EPA is modernizing the data warehouse that supports this widget. Completion of modernization, as well as unanticipated resource constraints, will disable the codes that are created based on the information below. EPA will post a note on ECHO when support of the widget is discontinued.

Widget Location

The Widget is located at http://www.epa-echo.gov/echo/maps/echo_map.php.

Media Type

Media type determines which type of facilities to map. Select the media type by passing the parameter "type" with one of these values:

Media Type Value
Clean Air Act caa
Clean Water Act (ICIS-NPDES) cwaicp
RCRA rcra

Facility IDs

Facility IDs is a list of facility permit IDs for the chosen media type. Select facilities by passing the parameter "ids" with a value of the IDs as a comma-separated list with all white space characters removed.

IDs can be obtained by searching the media types:

A facility's ID code is its "Program ID" on the results page.

Each media type has a specific ID length. IDs longer or shorter than this length will be rejected by the Widget.
Media Type ID Length
Clean Air Act 10 characters
Clean Water Act (ICIS-NPDES) 9 characters
RCRA 12 characters

Note: any IDs containing non-alphanumeric characters will be removed by the Widget.

URL Builder

This form builds a URL to the ECHO Map Widget.

Select media type: Clean Air Act Clean Water Act (ICIS-NPDES) RCRA

Input comma-separated list of facility IDs:

Example iframe Code

The Widget can be used to embed a map in a web page by putting the URL in the "src" attribute of an iframe tag:

Build a URL using the form above to see the iframe code.

which looks like this when the page is loaded:

Build a URL using the form above to see the map in an iframe.

The following section discusses how to adjust the iframe's appearance to suit your needs.

iframe Options

example mapping widget The ECHO maps have a fixed width and a variable height. These parameters must be set for each iframe using the "width" and "height" parameters of the style attribute of an iframe tag. These values can be specified in either pixels or percents. Pixels denote absolute dimensions while percents are relative to the size of the element the iframe is contained within (i.e. the browser window), not the size of the iframe's contents.

The border around an iframe can be removed by setting the attribute "frameborder" to "0" and the "style" attribute to "border:none".

Scrollbars can be turned off by setting the attribute "scrolling" to "no".

These attributes are set in an iframe tag like this:
	style="height: 465px; width: 80%;" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"
	style="border:none" src="http://your.url.here/">

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