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United States Court of International Trade

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Site Index

A - C- D - E - F - G - H - J - L - M - P - R - S - T - U - V - W

About The Court
Application for Admission to Practice
    Notice Regarding Admission to Practice
Attorney Admissions
Attorney Renewal Registration - FAQs

Case Managment / Electronic Case Files (CM/ECF)
    CM/ECF Forms
    FAQs on CM/ECF
    Help Desk
    Log on to the System
    Register to Use
    Schedule of Workshops
    Update Your Attorney Information
Certificate of Good Standing
Chambers Procedures
Composition of the Court
Court Appointed Counsel
Court Calendar (Weekly )
Court Personnel system (CPS) Pay Schedule

Directions to the Court
Directory Information

Employment Opportunities

Filing A Complaint of Judicial Misconduct or Judicial Disability

Guidelines for Court-Annexed Mediation

Human Resources
    Employment Opportunities
    General Information

Judicial Conference
Judicial Ethics
Judicial Salary Plan (JSP) Pay Schedule

Law Clerk Positions


Privately Funded Seminars Disclosure Reporting System

Rules and Forms
Rules for Judicial-Conduct and Judicial-Disability Proceedings

Slip Opinions

Time Computation Chart
Trade Adjustment Assistance
    Volunteer Attorney Information Form
Transcript Order Form







Last modified January 7, 2013