Spouse Patriot Award

The spouse of a Reservist or Guardsman is also eligible to nominate their boss for the Patriot Award. The employer of a military spouse has no legal obligation to provide unique support, but many employers voluntarily offer assistance to Guard and Reserve spouses who often share the challenges of military service. Childcare, managing the household, and work schedules often have to be adjusted when one spouse leaves to serve our country. Keep in mind, this is not an employer-wide award, but rather one that recognizes supervisors and bosses.

Robyn Gellerup, a Wisconsin mother of three, works as an office manager for R&R Construction/Quality Concrete in the company showroom. The wife of a National Guardsman, Robyn nominated her boss online. “While my husband was deployed both times, Rod and Becky Cook took care of us like we are part of their family from mowing our lawn, plowing snow from our driveway, to performing maintenance on our vehicles and home. It gave my husband peace of mind knowing that if something went wrong I could just pick up the phone and they’d be there,” praised Robyn.

Every employer nominated will receive a Patriot Award certificate and accompanying lapel pin. Your state ESGR Committee can help you arrange the presentation of the award to your employer or you can choose to have the certificate mailed to your home so you can present it on your own. Due to the heavy volume of requests, please allow 30-45 days to receive your award.

Spouses: Nominate your employer for the Patriot Award