DLA Aviation


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Aviation Forging & Casting
Assistance Team (AFCAT) Program


Forged and Cast metal components regularly surface as the underlying cause of back orders, long administrative and extended production lead times, and high costs.

Another key to an improved procurement process is to insure that the casting or forging technical data package is current and up to date related to today's materials and processes.  As part of AFCAT's standard processes, TDP review is always undertaken when an item is assessed by the team.  In a number of instances specification creep has been uncovered and obsolete or proprietary specifications identified for TDP revision to insure manufacturability.

Through collaboration with the American Metalcasting Consortium (AMC) and the Forging Defense Manufacturing Consortium (FDMC), AFCAT provides problem resolution services to DLA Aviation, DLA contractors and our service customers.

These problem resolution services include:

bullet Identifying foundry & forging sources, submit Assistance Request Form
bullet Assistance in locating tooling required to produce castings or forgings
bullet Providing technical assistance to producers of castings or forgings

In addition, the team conducts training in the basics of casting and forging procurement and processes and site visits to foundries and forges for DLA employees.

For a more extensive overview of program activities see our current AFCAT Briefing.