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Trade Agreements Compliance

The office of Market Access and Trade Agreements Compliance at the U.S. Mission to the EU identifies and overcomes trade barriers, resolves trade policy issues, and ensures that the EU fully meets its obligations under our trade agreements. We work with large and small businesses to ensure that they receive the benefits of the more than 270 trade agreements that open up markets to U.S. goods and services. We coordinate efforts with our Commercial Service experts in areas such as:

  • Standards
  • Intellectual Property and Piracy
  • Environment
  • Government Procurement
  • Customs
  • Quotas
  • Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Textiles

If you believe your company is being treated unfairly in the EU market, contact the Compliance Unit:

Ashley Miller
Compliance Attaché
Direct Dial: +32 2 811 4244

Susana Getman
Compliance Specialist
Direct Dial: +32 2 811 5264 

Ourania Garnakelis
Administrative Clerk
Direct Dial: +32 2 811 4853 

Other Useful Resources

The Trade Compliance Center is a one-stop shop for getting U.S. government assistance in resolving trade barriers or unfair situations encountered in foreign markets.

The World Trade Organization (WTO). The global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations.

The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) Agency responsible for developing and coordinating U.S. international trade policy:

The Trade Remedy Assistance Office (TRAO) at the U.S. International Trade Commission provides the public with general information on specific U.S trade laws and provides technical assistance to eligible small businesses seeking relief under the trade laws.

National Trade Estimate Report is a yearly report by the U.S. Trade Representative highlighting trade barriers faced by U.S. industry.

Strategy Targeting Organized Piracy– STOP! A comprehensive initiative to fight global piracy and help American businesses secure and enforce their rights around the world.

Department of Commerce The International Trade Administration is responsible for promoting trade, competitiveness and ensuring fair trade and compliance with trade agreements.

Other IPR-related links:

Department of Commerce

Office of the U.S. Trade Representative

U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Department of Justice, Computer Crime and IP Section

DHS/Customs and Border Protection

Copyright Office, Library of the Congress


International Intellectual Property Alliance

Motion Picture Association of America

Recording Industry Association of America - IFPI/recording industry association abroad

Business Software Alliance

Entertainment Software Association

Association of American Publishers

International Trademark Association

Pharmaceutical Researchers and Manufacturers of America

International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

International Organizations

World Trade Organization, resources on TRIPS

World Intellectual Property Organization