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Office of the Law Revision Counsel

The USCprelim is an advance posting of the next online version of the United States Code. For more information about the USCprelim, see the description here.

Availability and currency of the USCprelim by title:

Code Titles Current Through Includes Public Laws Through
  • All titles
01/15/2013 Pub. L. 112-283
except 112-239

For currency information on the final version of titles available on the main search page, see Currency and Updating.

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USCprelim: Pilot Project to Update Titles Faster

Starting in 2010, the OLRC began a pilot project, called the USCprelim, to update titles of the U.S. Code on the website throughout the year as laws affecting those titles are enacted, rather than waiting until the end of the congressional session. Although these titles are also prepared from the same database used to prepare all other versions of the Code, they are posted to the website as a preliminary release. It should be expected that the preliminary release may be subject to further revision before it is released again as a final version. Nevertheless, the preliminary release should be useful to those seeking a more current version of the law. As with other online versions of the Code, the U.S. Code classification tables should be consulted for the latest laws affecting the Code.


While every effort has been made to ensure that the U.S. Code database on the website is accurate, those using it for legal research should verify their results against the printed version of the Code available through GPO. In addition, those using the USCprelim should verify the text against the printed slip laws available from GPO, the laws as shown on Thomas (a legislative service of the Library of Congress), and the final version of the Code when it becomes available.

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