

Here you will find a list of tools to download and use for that contain "ready-to-go" briefs, flyers, PSAs, newsletter/newspaper articles, etc. for Parents, Teachers & Schools, Students and Military Leaders.

DoDEA Families
DoDEA Regulation 2095.01, "School Attendance." September 1, 2011 Visit DoDEA's "Be Here" website


Schools & Teachers Parents & Students Military Leadership & SLOs
video icon  Video: Magic Johnson Encourages School Attendance word icon Attendance Strategic Messaging Parents: This document contains statistics and data on the effects of absenteeism, and provides suggestions for how parents can help their children reduce absenteeism. word icon Dear Service Members: A letter to military service members from a military leader communicating the importance of making attendance a priority.
word icon Attendance Matters - How Teachers Can Help This document lists ideas for ways that teachers can help to improve daily attendance. pdf icon When To Keep a Child Home When is your child too sick to attend school? This resource will help parents make this important decision. word icon Attendance Strategic Messaging Military Leaders: This piece contains suggestions for ways that military leaders can support and get involved in the "Be Here" campaign.
pdf icon School Self-Assessment: Is attendance a priority in your school? This self-assessment tool will help your school make that determination. pdf icon  What Matters to Parents: Freshman Year of High School is dubbed the "Make it or Break it Year." This handout helps parents understand the importance of grades and attendance in their child's freshman year. word icon Newspaper - Newsletter Template: An article that can be reproduced and used in any newspaper, newsletter, etc.
pdf icon Attendance Incentives: Great ideas on inexpensive ways to create school-wide (or classroom) attendance incentives! pdf icon Parent-One-Pager: An excellent article for parents about the importance of attendance in the early grades. word icon Improving Attendance Initiative SLO: Suggestions for ways that School Liaison Officers can support the "Be Here" campaign.
pdf icon  Attendance Research - Addressing the Barriers: This article is great for any teacher or school trying to improve attendance. It gives an excellent overview of the issues and barriers that impede attendance and offers suggestions for overcoming them. pdf icon  Attendance Every Day: This flyer is appropriate for parents, communities and schools that are trying to promote Attendance Every Day! A Great resource for Back-to-School, PTA Meetings, and community events. ppt icon  Importance of Attendance Brief: A ready-to-go brief on the importance of attendance, and how military leadership can support the "Be Here" campaign. A great tool for SLOs. This PowerPoint can be modified to include your own initiatives.
pdf icon Understanding Contributing Factors to Absenteeism: A great list of factors that lead to absenteeism. In order to combat the issue, it is imperative to know what it is occurring! pdf icon Chart Across Key Transitions: This chart helps parents and teachers understand key issues at the major transitions in educational careers and how Attendance can impact each stage.
pdf icon  What Matters to Students: A message for students entering freshman year of high school that highlights the importance of grades and attendance in the "Make-it-or-Break-it Year" of their high school career.  
pdf icon  Power of Attendance: This is a great resource for schools wanting to improve attendance. It highlights the benefits of conducting an analysis of chronic absenteeism. word icon  Parent's Letter to School for Deployment Related Absence: This is a template that parents can use to inform their child's teacher of an upcoming school absence due to deployment or reintegration.  
excel icon  Attendance Sub Group Analysis template: This excel worksheet can be used when analyzing the attendance of sub-groups. word icon  Parent Deployment Letter: This is a template parents can use to inform teachers that the child's parent will be deploying and what teacher's need to watch for. While not related to absence, it is an excellent resource for parents.  
pdf icon  What Matters to Teachers of Freshmen: This data sheet helps teachers understand the critical freshmen year, and gives suggestions for making it the best year yet!    
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