Highway Design

The Highway Design teams within the Project Development Branch prepare the Plans, Specification, and Estimate (PS&E) packages within WFLHD. The following resources are for the use of our designers and consultants to develop those packages.

Design Process

Project Development and Design Manual (PDDM)

The following resources describe the design process within WFLHD:

  • PDDM - the FLH Project Development and Design Manual (PDDM) provides current policies and guidance for the interdisciplinary project development and design related activities performed by Federal Lands Highway (FLH) Divisions and their Consultants.
  • Project Development Process - a graphical representation to the project development process in WFLHD. Comprehensive links are provided to detailed activity definitions and other related forms, guidelines, and policies.
  • Supplements - the WFLHD Supplements to the PDDM provide additional information detailing standard practices, guidance, and criteria that pertain to the development of projects within WFLHD.

Design and Plan Creation

WFLHD Detail Sheet

Several tools are provided for sample plans, drawings, and CADD information:

  • Sample Plans - the WFLHD Standard Format for Plans along with sample project plans. [Under Development]
  • FLH Standard Drawings - FLH Standard Drawings cover various design elements that have been approved by the Federal Lands Highway Office for use on a nationwide basis. Files are available in MicroStation® and Acrobat® formats.
  • WFLHD Detail Drawings - Drawings used on a continuing basis within WFLHD to clarify the work required in the plans. Files are available in MicroStation® and Acrobat® formats.
  • Resources located elsewhere...



The following links relate to Specifications and Estimates:

  • FLH Specifications (FP) - the Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads and Bridges on Federal Highway Projects (FP) is used for construction of roadway projects in WFLHD. This site also contains other specification resources.
  • WFLHD Specification Library - these specification supplement the FP for projects within WFLHD.
  • Resources located elsewhere...


Park Road Standards

Some additional highway design resources are:

  • Forms - forms for use in completing a PS&E package.
  • Tools - miscellaneous design tools
  • Library - other manuals and resources used in Highway Design
  • Design Discipline Support Site - resources and message boards to ask questions from other highway design professionals within FLH and FHWA (only available within FHWA)