MicroStation / GEOPAK V8 2004 Edition Configuration Files

ZIP Archive Icon Download v8-resource.zip  (ZIP Archive, 30.28 MB) - includes the MicroStation and GEOPAK files that are needed to set up and run GEOPAK 2004 Edition according to WFLHD's standards.
Last updated: 4 November 2009

Acrobat Icon View Off-Site Configuration Instructions  (Acrobat, 398 KB) - explains how to set up and configure a WFLHD environment

Configuration Types

In WFLHD there are two categories of configuration files: x30 and x21. The name indicates the type of GEOPAK criteria used. Most projects were mapped using the FLH_Combined.dgnlib level library. These projects must use the standard files assembled under the X30 folder structure.

NOTE: Substantial enhancements were made to the .x30 criteria files and the .ddb files. Some Plan View elements from previous versions may need to be re-set using the Design and Computation Manager. See the Criteria Enhancements for more information.

Older projects that were surveyed and mapped using the Survey.dgnlib level library must use the standard files assembled under the X21 folder structure.

Folder Structure

Folder Files Description
Project_ Configurations *.pcf WFLHD Project Configuration files
X30 Configuration files for projects mapped with the FLH_Combined level library
Standards Standard files
3PC *.3pc Standard 3 port criteria files
Bin index.csv FLH D&C Manager Adhoc Attribute Help Control file
western.lsf WFLHD Standard Labeling Style file
WFL_earthwork.xls WFLHD Earthwork Volume manipulation tool
< English
or Metric
units >
*_SHEETS.psl Plan Profile Sheet Layout Libraries
fhwa_*_length.csv Maximum relative gradient for runoff length calculation
*_2004_radiusTable_e.csv Radius tables (AASHTO 2004)
Spiral_emax*_*.tbl Sprial lengths
fhwa_*.sep Superelevation preferences (AASHTO 2004)
*_XS_Sheets.xssl X-section sheet layout libraries
Cell_Lib FLH_Criteria.cel FLH cell library for X30 Criteria
*.cel WFLHD cell libraries
Custom_ Standards TextSettings.stg WFLHD text settings files
units.def WFLHD unit definition file
DDBS Database files
< English
or Metric
units >
V8_*.ddb D&C Manager database files
Western_*.ldb Legal Description library files
Input_ Files *.inp WFLHD earthwork input file
Library_ Files FLH_Combined.dgnlib FLH Level Library
Standard.dgnlib Text and dimension styles
MVBA *.mvba, *.dat Standard MVBA applications
Plotdrv *.plt WFLHD plot drivers for MicroStation plotting
Resources *.rsc WFLHD resource files (line styles, fonts, etc.)
Seed Seed files
English Int_ft*D.dgn 2D and 3D International foot seed file
Sur_ft*D.dgn 2D and 3D Survey foot seed file
Metric Metric_*D.dgn 2D and 3D Metric seed file
Seed_runs *.prj and others FLH Standard seed earthwork run
Set_Files Interplot set files
< English
or Metric
units >
*.set WFLHD Interplot set files
SMD WFL_Survey.smd WFLHD Survey Manager Data Base file
Tables *.tbl Color tables
*.pen Interplot pen tables
Pen *.tbl MicroStation plot pen tables
Typicals Typical Section Creation
< English
or Metric
units >
*.x30, *.x, *.ctl, *.txt Criteria Files
*.wri Documentation files
X21 Configuration files for projects mapped with the Survey.dgnlib level library
Standards Standard files
3PC *.3pc, *.x10 Standard 3 port criteria files
Bin western.lsf WFLHD Standard Labeling Style file
WFL_earthwork.xls WFLHD Earthwork Volume manipulation tool
< English
or Metric
units >
*_SHEETS.psl Plan Profile Sheet Layout Libraries
fhwa_*_length.csv Maximum relative gradient for runoff length calculation
fhwa_*_e.csv Radius tables (AASHTO 2001)
Spiral_emax*_*.tbl Sprial lengths
fhwa_*.sep Superelevation preferences (AASHTO 2001)
*_XS_Sheets.xssl X-section sheet layout libraries
Cell_Lib *.cel WFLHD cell libraries
Custom_ Standards TextSettings.stg WFLHD text settings files
units.def WFLHD unit definition file
DDBS Database files
< English
or Metric
units >
V8_*.ddb D&C Manager database files
Western_*.ldb Legal Description library files
Input_ Files *.inp WFLHD earthwork input file
Library_ Files Design.dgnlib & Survey.dgnlib Level Libraries
Standard.dgnlib Text and dimension styles
MVBA *.mvba, *.dat Standard MVBA applications
Plotdrv *.plt WFLHD plot drivers for MicroStation plotting
Resources *.rsc WFLHD resource files (line styles, fonts, etc.)
Seed Int_ft*D.dgn 2D and 3D International foot seed file
Sur_ft*D.dgn 2D and 3D Survey foot seed file
Metric_*D.dgn 2D and 3D Metric seed file
Set_Files Interplot set files
< English
or Metric
units >
*.set WFLHD Interplot set files
SMD WFL_Survey.smd WFLHD Survey Manager Data Base file
Tables *.tbl Color tables
*.pen Interplot pen tables
Pen *.tbl MicroStation plot pen tables
Typicals Typical Section Creation
< English
or Metric
units >
*.x21, *.x, *.ctl, *.txt Criteria Files
*.wri Documentation files

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