Home > State Appraiser Regulatory Programs > State Operations and Requirements

State Operations and Requirements 

State statutes governing appraiser certification and licensing can be characterized in three ways:

Mandatory (Man) - Certified/licensed appraisers required for any service for which an opinion of value (evaluation or appraisal) for real property is developed;

Mandatory for Federally Related Transactions (M/FRT) - Certified/licensed appraisers required to perform appraisals in any federally related transactions and real estate related financial transactions when Federal law requires the services of such appraisers; and

Voluntary (Vol) - Certified/licensed appraisers not required for any appraisal/evaluation assignments. If appraisers wish to perform appraisals in such federally related transactions and real estate related transactions, appraisers can choose to become certified/licensed and submit to the State's regulatory jurisdiction.


State Law Type State Law Type
Alabama Man. Montana M/FRT
Alaska Vol. Nebraska Man.
Arizona Man. Nevada Man.
Arkansas M/FRT New Hampshire M/FRT
California M/FRT New Jersey Man.
Colorado M/FRT New Mexico Man.
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Man. New York M/FRT
Connecticut Man. North Carolina Man.
Delaware Man. North Dakota Vol.
District of Columbia Man. Ohio M/FRT
Florida Man. Oklahoma Vol.
Georgia M/FRT Oregon Man.
Guam Man. Pennsylavania Man.
Hawaii Man. Puerto Rico Man.
Idaho Man. Rhode Island Man.
Illinois Man. South Carolina Man.
Indiana Man. South Dakota Man.
Iowa Vol. Tennessee Man.
Kansas Man. Texas Man.
Kentucky Vol. U.S. Virgin Islands Man.
Lousiana Man. Utah Man.
Maine Man. Vermont M/FRT
Maryland M/FRT Virginia Man.
Massachusetts Vol. Washington Man.
Michigan Man. West Virginia Man.
Minnesota Man. Wisconsin M/FRT
Mississippi Man. Wyoming Vol.
Missouri Man.


Through our State agency directory, you will find website links and contact information for each of the State appraisal regulatory agencies to use to make inquiries regarding their particular appraiser licensing credentials, laws, and requirements.