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C-182 and F-16 on the tarmac at March AFB.

 News and Announcements

Wing Commander’s Commentary

December 2012

As we approach the end of the world in a few days… ;)  Okay okay…Just kidding..

Thoughts of our members I’m sure are focused on the holidays, whichever version you choose is fine with me, but the holidays, and again we are reminded that safety has to be a paramount conscious thought process.  We had an aircraft damaged while being washed.  Great work by a member but oh boy the consequences.  We had a member and his wife injured in a motorcycle accident.  Surgery and hospital time at this time of year? 

I look at what our wing accomplishes on a daily basis.  What we do without question 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  We stand ready to help those in need.  Unfortunately sometimes those in need are some of ours.  Everyday I see injuries and damage to aircraft and vehicles.  Some of it on the news, a lot of it up close and personal.  The calls I get from safety officers and squadron commanders are not always fun conversations. 

Our most valuable asset is our members.  We take care of each other all the time.  Lets make sure we take the time to take care of ourselves.  As I’ve stated before, we work hard, we play hard, and no one can do this job better than the members of the Nevada Wing.  Take the time this season to be careful. Evaluate your actions, plan your events, travel safely, and essentially perform an ORM on everything you do.  

Have a Merry Christmas, a wonderful Hanukkah, a terrific form of whatever you believe in, but do it safely.

Col Tim “Kojack” Hahn and Family

Be sure to read the recent updates on the NV Wing Publications page!

Stay up-to-date on what is happening in Civil Air Patrol across the country.  Check out "Volunteer Now"  - CAP's online source for the latest news and information.

Aerospace Education Link

Have you ever wanted to see the USAF Museum in Ohio?  Here's your chance to take a virtual tour!  Some aircraft are 'clickable' and will share more details.

National Museum of the United States Air Force

Be patient.  There are a lot of great photos, but it may take some time to download.  High-speed Internet connection recommended.

This link will change periodically. Check in often to see what's new.




I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the Nevada Wing Website.  Please feel free to browse around.  Nevada is the 7th largest state in the nation, yet our population is only 45th.  I’m sure most of that population is here for exactly that reason! 

With 15 Squadrons the Nevada wings performs missions for Nevada and the nation everyday.  We excel at the three mandated missions of Cadet Programs, Aerospace Education, and Emergency Services.  Our cadet program is growing so fast that it’s difficult to keep track.  Our cadet membership has increased almost 70% in four years.

The Nevada Wing supports our citizens with both membership and public service.  We have a 90 minute response time to any call for emergencies, and we host the only fully self sustainable Incident Command unit capable of flying anywhere in the 50 states with 4 hours notice.

During major troop deployments the Nevada Wing plays host to thousands of military personnel in transit providing areas for rest, relaxation, and food.  This was fully demonstrated this past year when we assisted with over 30,000 Marines passing through Reno Nevada. 

The Nevada Wing is in integral part of the Aviation Nation Air Show at Nellis AFB each year.  We perform low altitude surveys of restricted flight areas to keep our nations pilots safe.  We also perform other support missions for the United States Military as a true Auxiliary to the Air Force.

The Nevada Wing is now based at the Reno-Tahoe International Airport.

Col Timothy F. Hahn, CAP

Commander, Nevada Wing

Nevada Wing Headquarters
Contact Information

Phone 775.358.3700
Fax     775.358.3757

Mail Address

Nevada Wing HQ
PO Box 339
Sparks, NV  89432-0339

Physical Address

601 South Rock Blvd
Suite A
Reno, NV 89502



 Submitting Wing & Squadron News Wing & Squadron News

Submitting News to the Nevada Wing 
If you have current news or information which would be of interest to the Nevada Wing, please submit it for publication consideration to the Nevada Wing Public Information Officer, Maj Thomas Cooper, Nevada Wing Public Affairs Officer

Web Publication
If you have an official press release for the Nevada Wing or for your own squadron page please submit it via your unit PIO (Public Information Officer). Images along with suggested captions are also appreciated.
Submitting Articles for Silver Wings over Nevada   If you have a press release or story of interest to be published in Silver Wings Over Nevada, the Nevada Wing's tri-quarterly statewide publication please submit them to the Editor, Maj Thomas Cooper via email .   Note: All text files must be in Microsoft Word, and all picture files must be JPEG With Captions on the photos.
There are three issues planned per year which are mailed to all members.   Information for publication should be submitted by 15 October, 15 February and 15 June each year to meet the publication deadlines for the respective issues.
  Wing Leadership

Col Tim Hahn, CAP
Commander (CC)
email:  Col Tim Hahn   
Lovelock, NV

LtCol Jay Roberts, CAP
Vice Commander (CV)
LtCol Jay Roberts   
Las Vegas, NV

Maj Carol Lynn, CAP
Chief of Staff (CS)
Maj Carol Lynn   
Las Vegas, NV

LTC Shawn Brewer, CAP
Wing Administrator
email:  LTC Shawn Brewer


 From the Commander

Electronic SIMS
Many units around the country are using SIMS, and users are very happy and pleased.  Basically, SIMS consists of a download from eServices, which contains almost all of the information needed on CAPF 45 and CAPF 45b.  Additional information, such as ribbons, can be entered into simple forms.  The program then formats this information into a “look-a-like” for the CAPF forms which automates the process.  It saves a bunch of work, and is recommended to the attention of both Wing and all units. A PowerPoint presentation detailing the uses of SIMS can be obtained at: http://www.squadroncommand.com/filemgmt/visit.php?lid=196  

An abbreviated version of SIMS is available in the WMU, and the full version can be downloaded (see link in PowerPoint presentation).  The local authorization is available on our publications page >> NV Wing Supp 1 to CAPR 50-17

>> more

Wing Personnel Roster  The Nevada Wing maintains a roster of Wing Personnel online.  The roster is password protected.  NVWG members may obtain the user name and password from their squadron commanders.   >> See NVWG Personnel Directory (password protected)
 Nevada Wing Calendar

The Nevada Wing maintains an official Wing schedule/calendar which is based upon the federal fiscal year - Oct 1st to Sept 30th.  It is updated frequently and is now available online.  
>>  Online Calendar   

Event Planning  The official Nevada Wing Calendar should be consulted before planning or scheduling official CAP events to preclude conflicts.  

Errors?  If you find errors or wish to make changes to the official schedule please contact Maj. Shawn Brewer at Nevada Wing HQ. 775-358-3700  Email:  ShawnBrewer@nvwg.cap.gov   

  Forms & Publications

Nevada Wing Publications Library
The Nevada Wing maintains a number of publications issued under its authority on this site. For your convenience the page features frequently needed CAP forms and publications.  >> Publications
Password Protection & Document Types   
Publications containing personal information are password protected. NVWG members may obtain the user name and password from their squadron commanders. A number of  documents are in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) . Use the Adobe Reader button to download the product.
CAP National Forms and Publications Library
All CAP forms and publications are available from the CAP HQ site.


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 Public Affairs
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 Clark County
 Douglas County
 Elko Composite
 Humboldt County
 Jim Bridger School
 Jack Schofield School
 Las Vegas Composite
 Lyon County
 Nellis Composite
 Nellis Senior
 Reno Composite
 Tahoe Truckee
 White Pine
 Washoe Jeep
 Online Resources
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 Nellis Air Force Base
 U.S. Air Force
 Dept. of Defense


 Cadet Programs

The Air Force Auxiliary (CAP) builds exceptional citizens for America by providing leadership training, technical education, scholarships and career education to young men and women, ages 12 to 21. 

The Civil Air Patrol offers more than $200,000 in college scholarships each year, and about 10 percent of each year’s freshman class at the U.S. Air Force Academy is comprised of former CAP cadets.   More >> Cadets Page

Site Errors

If you find errors on this site you are encouraged to email the NV Wing

Off site links are not under the control of the Nevada Wing and linking does not constitute an official endorsement, recommendation or validation of their content by the Nevada Wing. 

Disclaimer   Content on this site is the sole responsibility of the Nevada Wing CAP and does not reflect official CAP National or U.S. Air Force positions, policies or statements. 










Site Currency  This page was last update on 12/09/2012 06:47:43 PM -0800