
SSG Matt Klene

Staff Sergeant Matthew Klene was raised in Houston, Texas. He first joined the U.S. Army in 1997, right out of high school after being fired from Dairy Queen. He signed up to be a Bradley mechanic and was stationed in Budingen with the 1/1 CAV. He deployed to Bosnia on top of a mountain and changed brake pads on Humvees. He left the Army in 2001 because being a mechanic is hard, dirty work. He then attended college and tried his hand at almost everything: Weekly newspaper columnist, swimming pool installer, A/C duct construction, group health insurance, and college radio DJ. In 2007, he got married and decided he missed the Army and signed back up, this time as a Broadcast Journalist. He fought to go to Germany, but the Army wanted him in Fort Bragg with the 3rd PSYOP Battalion. He attended airborne school and found that drifting slowly to the ground with a parachute strapped to his back was probably the most peaceful minute the Army ever gave him. After deploying to Afghanistan and Qatar, SSG Klene re-enlisted in Kuwait for another four years and finally got his wish. He’s back in Germany, this time serving as the Station NCOIC in AFN Wiesbaden.


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