Errata 2012


Time Scales, Section B

  • Page B50, Equinox Method of reduction from the GCRS — rigorous formulae

    The term M3,3 should read

    sin ϵ cos ψ sin φ + cos ϵ cos φ

  • Page B51, Offsets of the Pole and Origin at J2000.0

    For F-W IAU 2006, in the column φB

    replace 6.891 with 6.819

Stars and Stellar Systems, Section H

  • Page H56

    Exoplanet υ And d should be υ And b and Exoplanet υ And b should be υ And d

Notes and References, Section L

  • Page L23

    In the table of IAU constants after the fourth paragraph of Section K material, the first value—Light-time for unit distance—should be

    499s.004 783 806 1 (TDB)

    The printed value is missing the units symbol and decimal point.

The Astronomical Almanac Online! 2013