Indicators Database

All published and several unpublished Indicators data series
Data for the United States, New England as a whole, each of the six New England states, and, for some series, major New England metropolitan areas. Indicators data are available as seasonally adjusted (SA) and/or not seasonally adjusted (NSA).

Data are available as comma separated value (CSV) files.csv



last updated

SA= seasonally adjusted; NSA= not seasonally adjusted
(click on title for definition)
Bankruptcies quarterly 09/24/12
Number of Business and Consumer Filings NSA    
Construction Contracts monthly 10/16/12
Indexed Total Contracts NSA    
  Residential SA | NSA    
  Nonbuilding NSA    
  Nonresidential NSA    
Consumer Prices  
Consumer Price Index    
United States, All Items and Selected Components NSA monthly 10/16/12
Boston Area, All Items and Selected Components NSA bimonthly 10/16/12

Economic Activity

monthly 09/25/12
Economic Activity Index NSA    

Electricity Sales

monthly 09/25/12
Residential Electricity Sales NSA    
Commercial Electricity Sales NSA    
Industrial Electricity Sales NSA    
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Employer Costs    

Employment Cost Index (United States and New England)

quarterly 07/31/12
Total Compensation NSA    
 Wages & Salaries NSA    
Employment (payroll)    
Total Nonagricultural Employment monthly 10/05/12

United States, New England, and states SA | NSA

New England City and Town Area (NECTAs)
   Connecticut NECTAs SA | NSA
   Maine NECTAs SA | NSA
   Massachusetts NECTAs SA | NSA
   New Hampshire NECTAs SA | NSA
   Rhode Island NECTAs NSA only
   Vermont NECTAs SA | NSA

       NECTA Division
           Boston-Cambridge-Quincy NECTA Division SA | NSA



Employment (payroll) by Industry
Based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS)
monthly 10/05/12

Total Private (Total Nonagricultural less Government) SA | NSA

Government SA | NSA
   Local Government SA | NSA
   State Government SA | NSA
   *Federal Government SA | NSA

Construction SA | NSA

Education and Health Services SA | NSA
   Educational Services SA | NSA
   *Health Care and Social Assistance SA | NSA

Financial Activities SA | NSA

*Information SA | NSA

Leisure and Hospitality SA | NSA
   Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation SA | NSA
   Accommodation and Food Services SA | NSA

Manufacturing SA | NSA

*Mining and Logging SA | NSA

Other Services SA | NSA

Professional and Business Services SA | NSA

Trade, Transportation, and Utilities SA | NSA
   *Wholesale Trade SA | NSA
   Retail Trade SA | NSA
   Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities NSA

* Seasonally adjusted data are not available for all six New England states.
    ↑ top
Home Prices    
Home Price Index: FHFA
Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA)
(formerly from OFHEO, the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight)
quarterly 08/23/12

United States, New England, and states NSA
 New England Metropolitan Areas NSA
    Divisions of Boston-Cambridge-Quincy Metropolitan Area NSA

Purchase Only
United States, New England, and states NSA

Median Sales Price of Existing Homes quarterly 08/09/12
United States and New England Metropolitan Areas NSA    
Hours and Earnings monthly 10/05/12
Average Weekly Hours NSA    
Average Hourly Earnings NSA    
    ↑ top
Housing Permits monthly 09/27/12
Total Permits    

United States, New England, and states SA | NSA
  New England Metropolitan Areas NSA

Single-Family Permits    
  United States, New England, and states SA | NSA  
    New England Metropolitan Areas NSA
Income quarterly 09/25/12
Total Personal Income SA    
  Wage and Salary Disbursements SA    
Initial Unemployment Claims monthly 10/11/12

Average Weekly Initial Unemployment Claims SA

Labor Force    
United States, New England, and states SA | NSA monthly 10/05/12

New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs)
   Connecticut NECTAs SA | NSA
   Maine NECTAs SA | NSA
   Massachusetts NECTAs SA | NSA
   New Hampshire NECTAs SA | NSA
   Rhode Island NECTAs SA | NSA
   Vermont NECTAs SA | NSA

       NECTA Division
           Boston-Cambridge-Quincy SA | NSA

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Merchandise Exports


Total Merchandise Exports NSA    
  Exports by Industry (Top 9 New England Industries) - NSA
  United States | New England
  Exports by Destination (Top 9 New England Destinations) - NSA
  United States | New England
State Exports by Industry - NSA
CT | ME | MA | NH | RI | VT
State Exports by Major Destination - NSA
CT | ME | MA | NH | RI | VT
State Revenues and Tax Collections    

General Revenues and Three Largest State Tax Collections - NSA
CT | ME | MA | NH | RI | VT

monthly 10/09/12
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Number Unemployed    

United States, New England, and states SA | NSA

monthly 10/05/12

New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs)
   Connecticut NECTAs SA | NSA
   Maine NECTAs SA | NSA
   Massachusetts NECTAs SA | NSA
   New Hampshire NECTAs SA | NSA
   Rhode Island NECTAs SA | NSA
   Vermont NECTAs SA | NSA

      NECTA Division
           Boston-Cambridge-Quincy SA | NSA

Unemployment Rate    

United States, New England, and states SA | NSA

monthly 10/05/12

New England City and Town Areas (NECTAs)
   Connecticut NECTAs SA | NSA
   Maine NECTAs SA | NSA
   Massachusetts NECTAs SA | NSA
   New Hampshire NECTAs SA | NSA
   Rhode Island NECTAs SA | NSA
   Vermont NECTAs SA | NSA

      NECTA Division
           Boston-Cambridge-Quincy SA | NSA
