Closing the Internet Gender Gap

Female Indian students pose with tablet computers in New Delhi, India, Oct. 5, 2011. [AP File Photo]

About the Authors: Melanne Verveer serves as Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues. Ambassador Verveer co-authored this entry with Shelly Esque. This entry appeared first on The Huffington Post.

There is no doubt that over the last decade, the Internet has created a revolution. Never before has information been so widely available or people better connected to one another. The Internet can be a great equalizer. And yet, access to it is not equally distributed. Notably, Internet access for both men and women in North America is nearly five times that of Africa.

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Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Melanne Verveer Delivers Remarks on Evidence and Impact: Closing the Gender Data Gap at Gallup in Washington, DC on July 19, 2012. [Go to for more video and text transcript.