RSS Information

In addition to the BEA email subscription service, BEA news releases are available as RSS feeds.

Available RSS feeds

RSS icon image News releases

This includes the Overview of the Economy, Real GDP, Personal Income, International Trade in Goods and Services, US International Transactions and other news releases issued by the Bureau of Economic Analysis.

What is RSS?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a technology used to distribute a website's content to users in real time, similar to using a “bookmark” in your web browser. It is a format of providing feeds, which contain headlines, summaries and links to full web articles. RSS allows you to keep up with your favorite news and information without visiting the actual websites; rather, feeds are read through a program called a news reader or aggregator.

The Benefits of RSS:

  • It’s an easy way to gather a wide variety of content in one place on your computer;
  • You are alerted when content that interests you appears on several of your favorite Web sites;
  • Feeds can be used in place of email subscriptions which can crowd your inbox.
  • It allows you to read headlines and summaries before reading the full article; and
  • Many readers automatically tell you when something new is posted online;

What are RSS Readers?

You can install a news reader or aggregator that displays RSS feeds from the Web sites you select. Like an email program or a Web browser, the news reader serves as a kind of information portal and provides a real-time interface to the feeds you select.

Some readers are Web-based while others require you to download a small software program onto your desktop. Some newer versions of browsers offer support for RSS feeds. A wide range of free and commercial news readers can be easily downloaded from the Web.

How do I subscribe to BEA feeds?

After installing a news reader, you will want to add a feed, also called a channel. Each reader has slightly different way of adding feeds; however, most readers require the URL of the RSS feed. RSS icon image Click on the small RSS button near the feed that you would like to read - Clicking on the button will show XML (eXtensible Markup Language) code, in your browser similar to what is shown to the left.

Because the RSS content cannot be read by a browser, you will need to transfer this information into an RSS Reader by using the RSS URL which appears in the address bar of your browser. Simply copy this URL and paste it into the “add new channel” or “add new feed” of your news reader.

Some readers also offer the option to drag and drop the XML image to their channel/feed directory tree. You will want to read the specific instructions provided with your particular reader for more details on how to view and subscribe to feeds and to learn about the special features offered by the reader.

Once you have subscribed to BEA RSS feeds, the RSS reader will continually poll them for the latest news releases.