The Leader Board

Feb 12 2013

Nothing On Keystone?

Despite Strong Support From Unions & Members Of His Own Party, President Obama Continues To Stonewall The Keystone Pipeline


UNION SUPPORT: It's 'Not Just A Pipeline,' But 'A Lifeline For Thousands'

INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS: "'The Keystone Pipeline project will offer working men and women a real chance to earn a good wage and support their families in this difficult economic climate,' said… James P. Hoffa." (TransCanada, "U.S. Pipeline Contractors Association And Unions Pledge Their Support For Keystone XL Project," 9/14/10)

AFL-CIO: "…it is America's workers who are clamoring for the expedited approval of this important project. As President Obama has rightfully declared when it comes to the creation of jobs, 'WE CAN'T WAIT.'" (Mark H. Ayers, President, Building And Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO, "For The 99% Of Americans, Keystone = JOBS," Huffington Post, 11/3/11)

AFL-CIO: "For America's skilled craft construction professionals, any discussion of the Keystone XL project begins and ends with one word: JOBS… Throughout America's Heartland, the Keystone Pipeline represents the prospect for 20,000 immediate jobs, and as many as 500,000 indirect jobs via a strong economic multiplier effect… without one single dollar of government assistance." (Mark H. Ayers, President, Building And Construction Trades Department, AFL-CIO,  "For The 99% Of Americans, Keystone = JOBS," Huffington Post, 11/3/11)

INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF ELECTRICAL WORKERS: "Says International President Edwin D. Hill: 'We welcome the opportunity to work in cooperation with TransCanada to provide the skilled work force needed on this vital project.  At a time when jobs are the top global priority, the Keystone project will put thousands back to work and have ripple benefits throughout the North American economy. Our members look forward to being part of this historic project and pledge to deliver the highest quality work to make it a success.'" (International Brotherhood Of Electrical Workers, "TransCanada Pipeline PLA Could Mean Construction Boon," 10/20/11)

LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL UNION OF NORTH AMERICA: "…not just a pipeline, but is a lifeline for thousands of desperate working men and women." ("Unions Furious At Obama For Killing Pipeline Jobs," Fox News, 11/10/11)

BRENT BOOKER, LABORERS' INTERNATIONAL: "We've been supportive of this project for several years now… Our members, and construction workers, middle-class Americans are in desperate need of jobs, and we think that this project could create that for all those." (Brent Booker, CNBC, 12/14/11)

  • BOOKER: "We need the jobs now. We need them as soon as we can get them." (Brent Booker, CNBC, 12/14/11)

UNITED ASSOCIATION: "My name is Stephen Kelly, and I am the Assistant General President of the United Association of Plumbers and Pipe Fitters, which represents over 340,000 members in the plumbing and pipe fitting industry in the United States and Canada… The United Association strongly supports the Keystone XL project and the draft legislation under consideration by the Subcommittee to expedite its approval for several good reasons. First, this project would provide a tremendous and needed boost to the U.S. construction industry, generating thousands of high-quality jobs at a time when the industry is wrestling with nearly 20 percent unemployment." (U.S. House Of Representatives, Committee On Energy And Commerce, Subcommittee On Energy And Power, Hearing, 5/23/11)

  • "'The United Association of Plumbers, Pipefitters and Sprinklerfitters (UA) is proud to be a part of this collaboration and looks forward to adding thousands of well-paying construction jobs to this country,' said UA General President William P. Hite. 'Our highly-skilled workforce is ready to begin work and help boost our local and state economies.'" ("$7 Billion Keystone XL Labor Agreement Announced," Pipeline & Gas Journal, 9/10)

DAVID BARNETT, UNITED ASSOCIATION OF PLUMBERS AND PIPEFITTERS: "We do need this pipeline.  We've worked very hard in the last three years to get this permit for this pipeline." (David Barnett, CNBC, 12/14/11)

  • BARNETT: "We are experiencing 20-25% unemployment in the pipeline sector right now and our welders and pipe fitters are waiting on this project. … Quite frankly, the American people are tired of Washington D.C. politics going on, and their jobs are waiting in line for these decisions. Let's get the politics out of it. Let's give TransCanada a go ahead." (David Barnett, CNBC, 12/14/11)

INTERNATIONAL UNION OF OPERATING ENGINEERS: "'An ambitious project of this scope, spanning over five states and employing thousands of American construction workers, will unequivocally help remedy the struggles of our country's working families,' said International Union of Operating Engineers General President Vincent J. Giblin.  'History has proven time and time again that infrastructure projects, such as this, lead to the resurgence  of our nation's economy and the ripple effects are far-reaching. The IUOE is proud to be part of the Keystone XL pipeline and our operating engineers throughout the Midwest are ready to provide TransCanada with the skill, professionalism and pride this project requires.'" (TransCanada, "U.S. Pipeline Contractors Association And Unions Pledge Their Support For Keystone XL Project," 9/14/10)


DEMOCRAT SUPPORT: 'Mr. President, America Needs The Keystone XL Pipeline'

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): "I am for the Keystone pipeline … The Keystone pipeline, we're addicted to oil. I'd rather use oil from my friends in Canada, than I would from the Middle East, that sounds good." Q: "The President says he's going to veto that though." MANCHIN: "Well, we'll see. I'm mean, all the trade unions, everyone's for it, it creates thousands of jobs!" (Fox News, 12/12/11)

  • MANCHIN: "I'm mean, all the trade unions, everyone's for it, it creates thousands of jobs!" (Fox News, 12/12/11)

"Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-La.) said Keystone has the backing of several Democrats. 'It's always had more Democratic support than people thought,' she said." ("Lawmakers Grow Confident Deal Will Be Reached By Weekend," The Hill, 12/15/11)

SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D-MO): 'Make It Go More Quickly' Q: "My guess is if you send them back a bill that… gave them Keystone… everybody goes home for Christmas." SEN. CLAIRE MCCASKILL (D-MO): "Well, let's hope we can negotiate something like that… if states' rights are being protected and if this is going to be something maybe that we can try to jump start the approval process, make it go more quickly." (MSNBC, 12/14/11)

SEN. JON TESTER (D-MT): "I am proud to again offer my support for the Keystone XL pipeline and the jobs it will create. We need a quicker decision, based on the merits of this project." (Sen. Tester, Floor Remarks, 12/13/11)

  • TESTER: "I do not believe we should have to wait until January of 2013 for a decision that can create American jobs right now. In Montana, we need the jobs." (Sen. Tester, Floor Remarks, 12/13/11)
  • TESTER: "We should be acting responsibly to create jobs with this pipeline… Instead, we're watching political maneuvering designed to score points rather than create jobs. And we all know that when this is how Washington acts, the people who lose are hard working Americans and Montanans who just want to go back to work.  They want to build and maintain the infrastructure that powers and protects America." (Sen. Tester, Floor Remarks, 12/13/11)

SEN. MARK BEGICH (D-AK): "I support the project. I think the president's view on this, of waiting, I think doesn't make a lot of sense. It is a project that could provide lots of jobs to this country… I think the president's wrong on delaying this, and I think there are a lot of good jobs relating to this, and again [it's oil] from a friendly country, Canada." ("Begich On Keystone XL, Bypass Mail," KTVA11 Alaska, 12/15/11)

SEN. MAX BAUCUS (D-MT): "We need to put Montanans back to work and cannot afford further delays to the Keystone XL pipeline…" ("Baucus, Tester Support Keystone XL, But Not GOP Bill," KTVQ News, 11/30/11)

SENS. MARK BEGICH (D-AK), MARY LANDRIEU (D-LA) & MAX BAUCUS (D-MT): "…we write today in support of the Keystone XL Gulf Coast Expansion Pipeline, a project that the Department of State has been considering under a Presidential Permit application since 2008. Now more than ever, it is critical that this country move forward with this project." ("Media Advisory - Fourteen U.S. Senators Urge Secretary Of State Hillary Rodham Clinton To Approve Keystone XL Pipeline," TransCanada, 3/16/11)

47 House Democrats voted for H.R.1938, the North American-Made Energy Security Act, which states in part: "the President shall issue a final order granting or denying the Presidential Permit for the Keystone XL pipeline." (H.R.1938, Roll Call Vote #650, Bill Passed 279-147: R 232-3; D 47-144, 7/26/11)

"America truly cannot afford to say 'no' to this privately funded, $20 billion, jobs-creating infrastructure project, which would bolster our economic, energy and national security. To that end, we respectfully urge you to ensure that the Presidential Permit is issued for Keystone XL." (22 House Democrats, Letter To President Obama, 10/19/11)

  • "…Mr. President, America needs the Keystone XL Pipeline. It is in our national interest to have a Presidential Permit issued for Keystone XL as soon as possible." (22 House Democrats, Letter To President Obama, 10/19/11)
  • "The Department of State's Final Environmental Impact Statement reaffirmed the findings of the two previous environmental impact statements, namely, that the Keystone XL Pipeline will have no significant impact on the environment." (22 House Democrats, Letter To President Obama, 10/19/11)
  • "…not only would the Keystone XL Pipeline bolster America's economy, but it also would help strengthen our country's energy and national security…" (22 House Democrats, Letter To President Obama, 10/19/11)
  • "With job growth an ongoing struggle for our country, the proposed Keystone XL Pipeline represents a true shovel-ready project that would directly create 20,000 high quality domestic manufacturing and construction jobs for Americans who are desperately seeking employment. The project would also create an additional 118,000 spin-off jobs." (22 House Democrats, Letter To President Obama, 10/19/11)


Signed By:

Rep. Jason Altmire, (D-PA), Rep. Joe Baca, (D-CA), Rep. John Barrow, (D-GA), Rep. Dan Boren, (D-OK), Rep. Leonard Boswell, (D-IA), Rep. Robert Brady (D-PA), Rep. Jim Costa, (D-CA), Rep. Mark Critz (D-PA), Rep. Henry Cuellar, (D-TX), Rep. Charlie Gonzalez, (D-TX), Rep. Al Green, (D-TX), Rep. Gene Green, (D-TX), Rep. Rubén Hinojosa, (D-TX), Rep. Tim Holden, (D-PA), Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, (D-TX), Rep. Daniel Lipinski, (D-IL), Rep. Tim Matheson, (D-UT), Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, (D-NY), Rep. Bill Owens, (D-NY), Rep. Collin Peterson, (D-MN), Rep. Mike Ross, (D-AR), Rep. Peter Visclosky, (D-IN)

REP. JAMES CLYBURN (D-SC): "I'm very much for the pipeline. There is no question about that." (Rep. Clyburn, MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," 12/14/11)

"Rep. Mike Ross of Arkansas… counted more than 20 Democrats who would likely support adding the Keystone language to the payroll tax package. And he said he disagreed with Obama's threat. 'Look, I think that'd be a mistake on the president's part,' Ross said. 'That's the kind of economic activity we need. It's a win-win. It reduces our dependence on foreign oil and creates jobs here at home.'" ("Dems' Keystone-Payroll Tax Dilemma," Politico, 12/8/11)

REP. DAN BOREN (D-OK): "At a time when many are without work, it is time that we come together in a bi-partisan way to pass this legislation which will create tens of thousands of new jobs. I commend the Speaker for including the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline that is supported by business and labor. I also believe that this bill should attract votes from both political parties, because it takes initiatives supported by President Obama including the payroll tax cut extension…" (Rep. Boren, Press Release, 12/12/11)

