
January 2013

Time to Wake Up: Weekly Climate Speech

December 2012

Climate Change: Recapping 2012
Climate Change and Ocean Acidification
Sheldon Calls Out Climate Deniers in Senate Speech
Sheldon Urges House to Pass Middle Class Tax Cuts Act

November 2012

Sheldon Speaks about National Security Threat Posed by Climate Change
Sheldon Speaks about Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change

July 2012

Sheldon Supports Middle Class Tax Cuts Act
Sheldon Calls for Passage of DISCLOSE Act

June 2012

Pell Grants: Celebrating 40 Years
Sheldon Commemorates Gaspee Days in Senate

April 2012

Sheldon Urges Colleagues to Pass VAWA Reauthorization
Sheldon Calls on Senate to Pass Buffett Rule

March 2012

Death of Marie Colvin

February 2012

Sheldon Calls for Passage of Transportation Funding Bill
Sheldon Introduces the Paying a Fair Share Act

November 2011

Sheldon Joins Colleagues to Defend Pell Grants
Honoring Military Families
The Cross-State Air Pollution Act
Stop Wall Street From Taking Advantage of Struggling Families