Climate Change

Climate Change

"I speak out on climate change each week because the cost of Congress' inaction is too high for our communities, our kids, and our futures. I hope you'll join our online community and visit this page weekly for the latest video and updates."

Below are some of the speeches Sheldon has given on climate change. We encourage you to share these videos with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, learn more about Sheldon's work on the environment here, and most importantly leave your feedback for Sheldon at the bottom of this page!
And to learn more about Sheldon's work as the co-chair of the Bicameral Climate Change Task Force, click here.

VIDEO: Time to Wake Up: Worldwide Effects of Climate Change

VIDEO: Time to Wake Up: Worldwide Effects of Climate Change (February 8, 2013)

VIDEO: Time to Wake Up: Regional Effects of Climate Change

VIDEO: Time to Wake Up: Sheldon's Weekly Climate Change Speech (Begin at 0:41 mark)
VIDEO: Climate Change and Extreme Weather

VIDEO: Climate Change and Ocean Acidification

VIDEO: Senator Whitehouse: Climate Change Deniers Are Dead Wrong

VIDEO: Sheldon Calls Out Climate Change Deniers

VIDEO: Sheldon: Climate Change Has Real Effects for Rhode Islanders

VIDEO: Sheldon Refutes Attacks on EPA & Mercury Air Toxics Standards

VIDEO: Sheldon Urges Action to Combat Climate Change

VIDEO: Climate Change: 99 Second Opinions?

VIDEO: Sheldon Pushes for Action on Clean Energy and Climate

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Please note that if your message concerns a request for assistance with a federal agency, I ask that you visit my Casework page and utilize the online form available there. The Services for Rhode Islanders section of this site includes other information that may be helpful to you, including materials on my community dinners, visiting Washington, and applying for a nomination to one of America's military service academies.