Menlo Park Science Center

Menlo Park office

Vincent E. McKelvey Building on the Menlo Park campus. Photo by Scott Haefner, USGS.

Upcoming Lectures

  • USGS Earthquake Seminar Series

    Friday February 22, 2013 at 10:30AM

    Thomas Heaton, Cal Tech, Director of the Earthquake Engineering Research Lab will present “Implications of Strong-Rate-Weakening Friction for the Length-Scale Dependence of the Strength of the Crust; Why Earthquakes Are so Gentle”

  • USGS Evening Public Lecture Series

About Us

The Menlo Park Science Center has been the flagship research center for the USGS in the western United States for more than 50 years. It is the largest USGS research center in the West and houses extensive research laboratories, scientific infrastructure, and library facilities. The Center is strategically located to take advantage of partnerships in one of the greatest geographic concentrations of nationally and internationally recognized Earth science institutions in the world. Scientists in Menlo Park conduct a wide array of both basic and applied science, usually in collaboration with scientists from outside the Center.

Campus Video Presentation
