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Sam Johnson: U.S. Congressman, Third District of Texas

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  • Area Students Send Love and Thanks with “Valentines for Vets”
    Feb 11, 2013 - One day before the 40-year anniversary of his release from nearly seven years in captivity in Vietnam, U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas) hand delivered Valentines to Veterans at the Dallas Veterans Affairs Medical Center as part of the 12th annual “Valentines for Vets” program. On Febru... More
  • Sam Johnson Re-Introduces Bill to Save Taxpayers Billions
    Feb 7, 2013 - As part of his on-going effort to combat fraud and abuse of hardworking Americans’ taxpayer dollars, yesterday U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (3rd Dist.-Texas), re-introduced his signature common-sense legislation, the Refundable Child Tax Credit Eligibility Verification Reform Act, H.R. 556. The thou... More
  • Sam Johnson statement on President Obama's proposed gun control actions
    Jan 16, 2013 - Today, U.S. Congressman Sam Johnson (TX-03) released the following statement responding to President Obama’s proposed executive orders and legislation on gun control: “The President needs to focus on the real problem in our country – the exploding debt that is putting our children and grandchildren’... More

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