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  1. This week in Washington I chaired a hearing on gun violence prevention. We brought sportsmen, law enforcement officials and health experts to the table to discuss the comprehensive steps we can take to reduce gun violence while also respecting the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans.
  2. Check out the photos from the Presidential Inauguration!
  3. 40 years ago today the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that women had the right to make their own reproductive choices. Government does not have a place in this private matter. It is a decision that should be made by a woman, in consultation with her doctor, family and faith. I will continue working to make sure healthcare is available for those who need it and that policies are in place to reduce the numbers of unintended pregnancies.
  4. I’m at the Presidential Inauguration, optimistic that if we put party politics aside and work together, then there’s no limit to what America can accomplish over the next four years.

Earlier in January

Earlier in 2012

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