Monitoring, Metrics and Research

PEPFAR's work can and should be systematically studied and analyzed to help inform public health and clinical practice. PEPFAR is not a research organization, but is expanding its current partnerships with implementers, researchers, and academic organizations to improve the science that guides this work. As PEPFAR transitions to support sustainable, country-led systems, it will improve efforts to contribute to the evidence base around HIV interventions, as well as broader health systems strengthening and integration. Over its next phase, PEPFAR will support the following new initiatives:

  • Building the country capacity necessary to implement and maintain a fully comprehensive data use strategy;
  • Reducing the reporting burden on partner countries and supporting transition to a single, streamlined national monitoring and evaluation system; and
  • Working to expand publicly available data.

Programmatic Strategy: In this second phase of PEPFAR, a new program strategy is underway that supports the Administration's overall emphasis on improving health outcomes, increasing program sustainability and integration, and strengthening health systems. Some of these changes are already being implemented with planning and programming for FY 2010. Over the next year, PEPFAR will be working closely with country teams in order to translate, prioritize, and implement this strategy in a manner appropriate to the country context. More information on the broader strategic framework for PEPFAR activities can be found in the strategy annexes which will be made available at U.S. Government interagency website managed by the Office of U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator
and the Bureau of Public Affairs, U.S. State Department.
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