Wednesday, February 13, 2013 3:51:45 PM

Welcome to the MOS Portal!

The Maritime Administration is dedicated to continuing the revitalization of a strong U.S. Merchant Marine. U.S. Merchant Mariners play a vital role in the national and economic security of our country. Throughout history, mariners have always answered the call to serve, whether in time of war or peacetime emergencies.

This site is sponsored by the Maritime Administration as a service to U.S. Merchant Mariners who, through their qualifications, job skills, and experiences, contribute to the overall economic interests and national security of the United States.

Participation in MOS allows mariners worldwide who have agreed to be contacted an opportunity to review their USCG qualifications and update their contact information through a secure website. Participation in MOS in no way obligates you, but provides the Maritime Administration the opportunity to contact you.

Your participation in this program is important to us, and will help us to better understand you and your willingness/availability to sail during a sealift crisis. Should normal crewing practices ever prove to be inadequate, the contact information that you provide will enable the Maritime Administration to assist in matching those mariners who wish to be contacted with those in need of mariners.

For additional information on MOS, please select the Help link from the top.

Mariners on deck of Overseas Luxmar


"Every man in this Allied command is quick to express his admiration for the loyalty, courage, and fortitude of the officers and men of the Merchant Marine. We count upon their efficiency and their utter devotion to duty as we do our own; they have never failed us yet and in all the struggles yet to come we know that they will never be deterred by any danger, hardship, or privation. When final victory is ours there is no organization that will share its credit more deservedly than the Merchant Marine."

Dwight D. Eisenhower
General of the Army