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President's Message - September 2012

In my June message I talked about entering the hot Washington summer, and several initiatives we were undertaking. Well, we had one heck of a hot Washington summer – many times hitting about 100 degrees F. But summers in Washington are always hot, so we just kept on going on our initiatives. First, we gained approval by the Board of Directors of a new contractual agreement with Howard Associates for managerial support for the period 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2014. That agreement included a moderate increase in the fee that the Association pays Howard Associates. And I can tell you that we are extremely pleased with the support provided by Howard. Second, Our analysis of the April 2012 Training Symposium Survey showed that the format for the Symposium appears to be correct – a one day event with a balanced number of plenary and breakout training sessions. Plus we had 98.7% of the attendees tell us that the proceedings/training was “useful” to some degree. The results are being used to help us plan an appropriate theme for the April 2013 Symposium. At this time we are considering the following theme: “Managing Defense Acquisition Programs in Austere Times” and working to flesh out speakers and training breakouts. Third, we held board elections and the results are shown on this website. Yours truly consented to serve for at least another year, but we are bringing some new and younger members onto the Board. That should give us energy and enthusiasm for the future. Fourth, we completed staffing and voting by the membership on changes to the DAUAA constitution. The main change to the revised constitution approved by the membership is the creation up to 5 non-voting “associate board positions.” While they are not voting positions, associate board members are middle management acquisition leaders who are readily available for advice and counsel and are desirable candidates to eventually become voting board members. They are invited to attend all board meetings and Alumni Association functions. Fifth, I am pleased to announce DAUAA college scholarships for graduating high school senior students of DAUAA current members; the members must be a parent, grandparent, or legal guardian of the senior student(s). We recently awarded one scholarship for $1000 and two for $500 each.

In addition to the initiatives described above, we are planning a Hot Topic Forum for Wednesday, October 3, 2012 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in the Hirsch Center on the DAU Fort Belvoir Campus. The topic will be: “Lobbyists, Congressional Staffers and the Defense Acquisition Process.” It will be a firsthand look at the impact lobbyists and congressional staffers can have on the defense acquisition process. I am very pleased to announce that the guest speaker is Mr. M.L. “Buzz” Hefti of Van Scoyoc Associates; he has served as a staff assistant to Senator John Warner, and is currently a practicing defense lobbyist with vast experience in the congressional arena. Wayne Glass, VP Operations, played a key role in having Mr. Hefti take part in this upcoming DAU hot topic forum.

That’s all for now. Time to close out this message before it gets too long to read.

Regards, Bill Bahnmaier, President

About Bill Bahnmaier, DAUAA President: Bill Bahnmaier is a retired Marine and a former (retired) instructor at the Defense Acquisition University (DAU). In his last tour of duty as a Marine (1985-1989) he was a major system PM for the Marine Corps Assault Amphibian Program. Since retirement, Bahnmaier works as an official volunteer at DAU and also is a part time consultant and instructor on defense acquisition matters. He and his wife Peggy reside in Alexandria, VA. They have 9 nephews and nieces and 18 great nephews and nieces.