USAID Impact Photo Credit: Nancy Leahy/USAID

Tag archives for Development

Call for Video Submissions: Social Media + Development

Making All Voices Count (MAVC) supports innovative solutions and harness new technologies to help grow the global movement for open government, transparency and accountability. Photo credit: USAID

USAID invites development partners to showcase work in using social media for development through video at our #Popcorn + International Development event on February 21 during Social Media Week. Read more >>

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At Datajam, Innovators and Entrepreneurs Unleash Open Data for Global Development

Administrator Shah and CTO Park discuss open data's impact in development. Photo Credit: USAID.

USAID and the White House explored new ways of leveraging open data for development at Datajam event on December 10 Read more >>

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Partnering for Development in Water

Chris Holmes speaks to the water community of Colorado. Photo Credit: USAID.

Water availability, or lack thereof, is an issue familiar to Coloradans, and their state faces many of the same challenges that countries around the world face Read more >>

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A Record-Breaking Year for Mobilizing Private Capital for Development

Putting Local Wealth to Work: Development Credit Authority 2012 Portfolio. Photo Credit: USAID.

USAID is enabling private markets in the developing world to provide financing to the people who need it most. Read more >>

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USAID Reforms Aim to Strengthen Local Institutions and Systems

Palestinians unload bags of flour donated by USAid at a depot in the West Bank village of Anin near Jenin. Photo Credit: Mohammed Ballas/AP.

“No country wants to be dependent on another. No proud leader in this room wants to ask for aid. No family wants to be beholden to the assistance of other … But aid alone is not development. Read more >>

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FrontLines Releases November/December 2012 Issue

Indian children at one of Pratham Education’s “learning camps.” In September, Pratham Education Foundation received a $300,000 grant from USAID as one of 32 winners of the multi-donor All Children Reading Grand Challenge for Development. Photo Credit:  Pratham Education Foundation.

Read the latest edition of USAID’s FrontLines to learn more about the continuing benefits of projects that have graduated from Agency assistance Read more >>

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How I Was Inspired to Solve Global Problems

Administrator Rajiv Shah speaks to students at Howard University on October 15, 2012. Photo Credit: Patricia Adams, USAID.

As a senior studying public relations, I never thought about working abroad. I had the epiphany one day and decided to include international development in my career plans. Read more >>

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New USAID Policy on Youth in Development

Those of us who are parents know that the sun and moon rise around our children. To those of us who are in development, we know that young people have the strength to move the sun and the moon… and sometimes more.

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Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society

New video from last month’s Feed the Future: Partnering with Civil Society event, featuring Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Joyce Banda of Malawi, and journalist Nicholas Kristof.

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Humanitarian Aid in a Changing World

Have you ever wondered how the international humanitarian response system actually works in practice? How is life-saving assistance provided to people caught up in conflicts, natural disasters and other crises when the capacity of their governments to respond is outstripped?  How many agencies are on standby? How much does it cost to respond to some [...]

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