Solar Panels Deliver New Energy To West Point’s Net Zero Initiative

 The installation of solar panels on the roof of the Lichtenberg Tennis Center – 780 panels, to be exact – represents West Point‘s continuing efforts to achieve energy sustainability.

The installation of solar panels on top of the Lichtenberg Tennis Center has become a visible sign of progress in West Point’s Net Zero Energy goals. (Photo by Nicole Ciaramella, West Point DPW)

Since becoming a Net Zero Energy pilot installation last April, West Point has been making strides toward the ultimate goal of producing as much energy as it uses by 2020.

According to an environmental assessment for the U.S. Army Environmental Command and West Point Garrison, the installation currently generates less than .02 percent of the energy it consumes from renewable sources. Matt Talaber, Department of Public Works engineer and director, said the solar panels will be a step in the right direction.

“The solar panels are very visible and a very recognizable part of our renewable energy initiative that can immediately click with the general public,” Talaber said.

“It’s a positive image that shows West Point is interested in renewable energy and is working on its Net Zero energy goals.”

The work began Oct. 15 with minor roof repairs before the panels were attached to a metal rack system. When the wiring to the interior controls is completed, the photovoltaic technology will service approximately 50-60 percent of the building’s energy consumption annually.

The tennis center was an ideal location for the panels due to its southern exposure; lots of light and an uninterrupted rooftop, with no parking or other activity.


Energy Innovation In California

Jay Keasling, CEO of the Joint BioEnergy Institute, discusses feedstocks for advanced biofuels with Assistant Secretary of Defense Sharon Burke. (Photo: DOD)

By Ms. Sharon E. Burke, Assistant Secretary of Defense for Operational Energy Plans and Programs

Last week, President Obama released his 2012 budget proposal. In it, the President proposed doubling funding for energy efficiency and renewable energy innovation. While the budget was being sent up to Capitol Hill, I was in California, learning how energy innovations will help the Department of Defense more strategically use energy today and in the future.

For the nation, accelerating energy innovation means new technologies for energy efficiency and new supplies of energy. Both are critical if we are to transition to a clean energy future. For the Department of Defense, the challenge is even more direct. As the single largest consumer of fossil fuels in the Nation, the Department spent almost $13.5 billion last year to purchase energy. While secure access to this energy enables us to protect the Nation, our dependence on fossil fuels comes at a cost in mission effectiveness and dollars. And unfortunately, we’ve seen with attacks on fuel convoys in Iraq and Afghanistan, it can also cost U.S. military lives.

The good news is that a huge range of scientists and entrepreneurs have mobilized to transform the way we use energy. At Stanford University, Former Secretary of State George Shultz and Former Secretary of Defense Bill Perry, and a team of military fellows, representing every service, have clearly articulated the connection between our national security and our energy security and are finding effective ways government can respond.


Podcast #16: Using Science to Produce Innovations for Saving Energy at Sea

Dr. Larry Schuette, Director of Innovation at the Office of Naval Research, discusses how science is being used to produce innovations for saving energy at sea. The Department of the Navy is going green just like the rest of the world, and it is striving to reduce its energy consumption. The Office of Naval Research is introducing technologies to the fleet that will do just that. Dr. Schuette will talk about hybrid electric drive and solid state lighting as two examples innovations find their way into our fleet and reduce the Navy’s energy consumption.

Listen to the interview!

Read transcript(pdf)

Dr. Lawrence Schuette – ONR Director of Innovation
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