• Agriculture

    Maria is fighting on behalf of farmers to ensure Washington’s agricultural products continue to compete and thrive in a 21st century global marketplace.

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  • Education

    With the help of Pell Grants, Maria became the first college graduate in her family. She has fought to invest in America’s future, supporting Washington schools from K-12 to college.
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  • Energy

    Maria is fighting to invest in efficient, homegrown renewable energy and support jobs in the growing clean energy economy. 

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  • Environment

    Maria has worked to preserve Washington’s natural lands, prevent oil spills and boost Washington’s coastal economy.

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  • Financial Reform

    Maria is a leader in the fight to reign in Wall Street’s excesses, bring more transparency and stability to the nation’s financial system and return investments to Main Street.

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  • Health Care

    Maria has worked to increase access to care for Washington, and encourage high-quality, patient-driven care that drives down consumer costs for all.  

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  • Homeland Security

    Maria has worked to strengthen homeland security for Washington state – improving border, port and coastal security and providing the necessary tools for Washington law enforcement.  

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  • Jobs & the Economy

    Maria is focused on getting the economy moving, supporting job creation and keeping America competitive in the global economy. She has worked to support middle-class families by making college affordable and protecting Social Security and Medicare.

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  • Public Safety

    Maria has worked to protect Washington communities and ensure that first responders have the tools they need to keep Americans safe from crime, natural disasters and terrorist threats.

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  • Technology & Innovation

    Maria is leading efforts to expand 21st century technologies that fuel competition, create stable jobs and help keep Washington state a national center of innovation.

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  • Transportation & Infrastructure

    Maria has worked to ensure that Washington businesses have the transportation network they need to grow, create jobs and move goods.

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  • Tribes

    Maria supports economic opportunities for Washington’s tribal communities and a strong government-to-government relationship between the United States and sovereign Tribal Nations.

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  • Veterans & Defense

    Maria has worked to ensure that Washington state active duty military personnel and veterans have the support they need – from first-class equipment to first-class medical care.
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