News Releases

Locating and eliminating ineffective, outdated or duplicative federal programs is one way to cut down on spending and ease the national debt, according to U.S. Senator Mike Enzi, R-Wyo., who joined Senators Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and Mark Udall, D-Colo. in introducing legislation this week that would create a U.S. Senate Committee to Reduce Government Waste.

The proposed committee would be composed of six Republicans and six Democrats, and would continually review federal programs and propose legislative and administrative reforms annually to cut wasteful government spending.

“With a staggering $16 trillion national debt, cutting duplicative, wasteful spending is a practical step toward getting our fiscal house in order,” said Enzi. “Cutting what’s ineffective, outdated and already being done is something both Republicans and Democrats should get behind. The American people expect Congress to be good stewards of their tax dollars and this bipartisan bill is one step we can take to cut spending and promote transparency and efficiency in the federal government.”

To read the bill language, click here.