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Grassley News

Treasury secretary nominee still unfamiliar with Ugland House... Read More >>

IRS whistleblower report, response...

Chuck Grassley of Iowa - United States Senator

Iowans have entrusted Chuck Grassley to voice the concerns they share around their kitchen tables at the policymaking tables in the nation's capital.

Grassley uses his study of public policy and good standing on Capitol Hill as an honest broker to shape policy decisions that will improve the quality of life and the potential for prosperity to benefit Iowa families and communities for generations to come.   He has developed a reputation for fiscal responsibility, government accountability, and constituent services.

Grassley is a leader when it comes to shedding light on the federal bureaucracy and bringing transparency to the people's business.  His whistleblower laws have become the federal government's #1 anti-fraud tool and returned $22 billion to the Treasury that would otherwise have been lost to fraud.

Grassley's key committee assignments in the U.S. Senate keep Iowa's interests well represented on Capitol Hill. From winning more equitable Medicare reimbursements to growing Iowa's renewable energy industry and obtaining federal help for natural disasters, Grassley's expertise and leadership positions will become even more valuable to Iowa taxpayers, farmers, senior citizens, veterans and small business owners in the years ahead.  Just consider Iowa's growing wind energy industry.  In 1992, Grassley won the first-ever federal tax incentive that helped launch a new era of domestic wind energy production.  Today, wind energy manufacturers employ 2,300 Iowans.

Grassley's time-tested blend of pragmatism and integrity gives this Iowa senator a license to simply tell it like it is.  He brings a refreshing, no-nonsense style that displaces Washington nonsense with Midwestern substance and good governance.  Grassley's work ethic is highlighted by his efforts to make sure representative government is working for Iowans.  From holding meetings every year in every one of Iowa's 99 counties to using the latest of technology on social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook and YouTube, Grassley knows how to keep in touch with constituents.  On Capitol Hill, he maintains the longest consecutive voting streak among those serving today in the U.S. Senate.