Severe local weather is topic of “Weather-Ready Nation” workshop in Birmingham April 24 to 26

Date Posted: April 25, 2012
Attendees of the national summit “Weather-Ready Nation: A Vital Conversation,” that took place in Norman, Okla., in December 2011.

Researchers from social and physical science disciplines are meeting in Birmingham, Ala., this week to identify, prioritize and set in motion an actionable and fully integrated research plan to enhance our nation’s readiness for and responsiveness to severe local weather.

The NOAA workshop, “Weather-Ready Nation: Science Imperatives for Severe
Thunderstorm Research,” continues the national conversation to build a Weather-Ready Nation that began in Norman, Okla., last December.

During the workshop, researchers and scientists are working together to assess the state of science in the meteorological and social science communities as well as gaps and opportunities for research and development. Participants are defining short-term and long-term goals, potential collaborations, and identifying metrics on societal impacts and performance measures.


Researchers are grouped into interdisciplinary teams to discuss nine fundamental topics,

  • household emergency preparedness/community hazard awareness and education
  • hazard mitigation (safety rooms and shelters)
  • 1forecast and warning process
  • physical understanding for improved forecasts
  • warning dissemination systems
  • individual/household behavioral response
  • disabled population segments
  • disaster recovery (pre-impact planning and post-impact implementation)
  • economic analysis of tornado warning systems

Workshop participants will produce a report with findings and recommendations.
A release date for the report has not been determined. NOAA will continue the Weather-
Ready Nation conversation throughout 2012 with a number of symposia, events, town halls,
workshops, and speeches. For more information, visit Weather-Ready Nation.