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Staff Sgt. Clinton L. Romesha Receives Medal of Honor

Monday, Feb 11

On the morning of October 3, 2009, about 400 Taliban fighters emerged from the mountains surrounding Combat Outpost Keating in Afghanistan and attacked the small, vulnerable outpost. About 50 American soldiers came under heavy enemy fire. With many of the outpost's top leaders away that day, Staff Sgt. Clinton L. Romesha stepped up to lead his fellow soldiers in repelling the attack.

For more than 12 hours that day, Romesha led multiple operations to defend and retake Combat Outpost Keating and personally killed multiple Taliban fighters. He also faced direct enemy fire to evacuate wounded troops and recover the bodies of fallen soldiers. Eight American soldiers were killed in the battle, and another 22 were wounded, including Romesha, who received shrapnel wounds.


Today, President Obama presented former Staff Sgt. Romesha with the Medal of Honor, the highest military award for valor, making him the fourth living Medal of Honor recipient for courageous actions in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Romesha disregarded his own safety and thought only of protecting his fellow soldiers and defending his outpost from enemy capture. Staff Sgt. Romesha is an American Hero who has displayed extraordinary humility and courage.


I thank Staff Sgt. Romesha for his heroic actions that day and for his service to our country.


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