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Toolkits provide information and strategies for practitioners, teachers, student leaders, administrators, and community activists interested in creating or enhancing service-learning programs. They may include project planning information, blank forms, curriculum guides, volunteer recruitment suggestions, ideas for generating media attention, and fund-raising plans.

Online Toolkits

Service-Learning Research PrimerService-Learning Research Primer
This set of tools, developed in collaboration with the Center for Service and Learning at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis and RMC Research, provides resources, highlights known and emerging scholars, builds capacity to conduct and publish research, disseminates information, and secures external funding.

Service-Learning and Historic PreservationService-Learning & Historic Preservation
Tests of American students reveal disturbing gaps in general historical knowledge, as well as an inability to understand the relevance of history to their lives today. Many students do not have a basic understanding of national or local histories, and there is a profound disconnect as to why these topics should matter to them at all. This is a concern to historic preservationists who struggle with how to better inform the world about the importance of preservation.

Downloadable Toolkits

Toolkit for the Evaluation of Service-Learning ProgramsToolkit for the Evaluation of Service-Learning Programs
This toolkit presents products that were developed as part of the design and instrumentation work on the National Evaluation of School-Based Learn and Serve America Programs. The toolkit has four main sections: general evaluation guidelines for service-learning; developing a rigorous evaluation for service-learning; design instruments and recruitment materials; and an annotated bibliography.

Carrying Your Story in the Four DirectionsCarrying Your Story in the Four Directions: Using Technology to Support and Sustain Indian Tribes’ and U.S. Territories’ Service-Learning Programs (Tribes/Territories)
This toolkit discusses ways in which service-learning programs within Tribes and U.S. Territories can make use of technological tools to enhance their practices. It includes examples of technology use from several Learn and Serve America funded programs, as well as worksheets to help readers brainstorm ways of implementing technology in other programs. A glossary and suggestions for further reading are also included.

High Quality Instruction That TransformsHigh Quality Instruction That Transforms: A Guide to Implementing Quality Academic Service-Learning (K-12)
Bringing together resources from RMC Research, the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, and input from educators, this guide provides the step-by-step process to creating a high quality K-12 service-learning experience as well as resources and teacher and student worksheets. Based in part on the information contained in the K-12 Service-Learning Project Planning Toolkit, this guide explores many of the Standards for Quality Practice in greater depth, and provides more examples of service-learning projects taking place in classrooms around the country.

Service-Learning in Community-Based OrganizationsService-Learning in Community-Based Organizations: A Practical Guide to Starting and Sustaining High-Quality Programs (CBO)
This guide is a first effort to apply the 2008 quality standards for service-learning in a practical guide for community-based organizations. It provides practitioners of community-based service-learning with tips, tools, and techniques they need to start making a positive difference in many people's lives by providing high-quality opportunities for youth to serve and learn.

Faculty toolkitFaculty Toolkit for Service-Learning in Higher Education (HE)
The materials in the toolkit are divided into ten units designed to aid faculty in every step of planning, designing, and implementing service-learning programs into their curriculum and institutions as well as program evaluation and assessment. Each unit includes tips and in-depth content information about the topic presented and most units include case studies providing "real life" experiences for readers to learn from.

More toolkits.