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  • Inauguration of the NEC Office in Juba

    Inauguration of the NEC Office in Juba

    U.S. Amb. to South Sudan Susan D.Page speaking during the inaugural celebration Tuesday of the South Sudan National Elections Commission’s new temporary offices.

  • Ambassador holding book (Photo Credit: University of Michigan)

    Ambassador to South Sudan gives ILW talk

    On February 13, Ambassador Page visited her alma mater, the University of Michigan, to give a presentation on the role of law in building the nation of South Sudan. The United States government has provided $1.5 million towards the building of the University of Juba's law school & supports policing & rule of law efforts in five states.

  • People in a car holding a flag and driving through crowded streets (AP Images)

    Happy Birthday, South Sudan!

    The United States congratulates the people of South Sudan, the world’s newest nation. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice and former Secretary of State Colin Powell headed the U.S. delegation to the independence ceremony in Juba.


Embassy Headlines

  • Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Recent Violence in Pibor Town

    On January 27, a tense encounter between soldiers of the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) and an armed group escalated into widespread violence in Pibor Town in Jonglei State. The fighting mainly occurred on evening of January 27, though the situation remains tense and unpredictable.  [read more...] »

  • The United States Announces Small-Scale Infrastructure Project in Support of Peace Building Efforts in Abyei

    December 3, 2012: In a further demonstration of its support to a peaceful resolution to the status of Abyei, and consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) and the decision by the International Court of Arbitration, the United States government is pleased to announce a small-scale infrastructure project to support all vulnerable populations in Abyei.  [read more...] »

  • Statement by Mark Toner on the Expulsion of U.N. Human Rights Investigator in South Sudan

    November 6, 2012: We are deeply concerned about the Republic of South Sudan’s decision to order a Human Rights Officer working for the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) to depart the country within 48 hours. The United States fully supports UNMISS and its efforts to strengthen government institutions, to provide humanitarian relief, and to monitor, mitigate, and prevent conflict throughout South Sudan.  [read more...] »

  • Statement by the U.S. President on the agreement between Sudan and South Sudan

    August 4, 2012: I welcome the announcement by the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel of an agreement between Sudan and South Sudan on oil revenue. This agreement opens the door to a future of greater prosperity for the people of both countries. The leaders of Sudan and South Sudan deserve congratulations for reaching agreement and finding compromise on such an important issue.  [read more...] »

  • Secretary Clinton's Statement on the Oil Agreement Between South Sudan and Sudan

    August 4, 2012: I welcome the agreement on oil reached between the Republic of South Sudan and the Republic of Sudan. This agreement reflects leadership and a new spirit of compromise on both sides. We praise the courage of the Republic of South Sudan's leadership in taking this decision. As I said in Juba yesterday, the interests of their people were at stake.  [read more...] »

  • Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Travel to Africa

    July 30, 2012: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will travel to Africa July 31 through August 10, 2012. During this trip, the Secretary will emphasize U.S. policy commitments outlined in the Presidential Policy Directive - to strengthen democratic institutions, spur economic growth, advance peace and security as well as promote opportunity and development for all citizens.  [read more...] »

  • The Republic of South Sudan's Independence Day

    July 8, 2012: On behalf of President Obama and the people of the United States, I am delighted to send best wishes to the people of the Republic of South Sudan as you celebrate your first anniversary of independence this July 9. South Sudan has been hard at work over the past year building governing structures and a foundational legal framework. Your work to provide security, accountability and systemic respect for human rights is admirable.  [read more...] »