Sunday, February 17, 2013

Latest Ukraine News

Supporters of jailed opposition leader and former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko hold portraits of her during a rally in front of the appeals court building in Kyiv on February 15.

Witness: Tymoshenko Paid For Killing

A witness has told a court in Kyiv that former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko paid $3 million for the killing of a Ukrainian lawmaker 16 years ago. More

WATCH: Plane Crash In Donetsk Kills Five

Video Five Killed In Ukraine Plane Crash

Officials say five people were killed when a plane carrying football fans crash-landed in the eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk. More

Cybercrime: 'Ransomware' Gang Arrested

Officials said the gang collected at least 1 million euros annually through its use of the virus, dubbed “ransomware.” More

The agreement was signed after talks between visiting Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych (left) and his Turkmen counterpart, Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov.

Ukraine Inks Turkmen Gas Deal

Ukraine has reached a tentative agreement with Turkmenistan to resume imports of natural gas from the Central Asian country. More

An Interior Ministry officer asks ex-Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko (left) to be quiet during a session at the Pechera district court in Kyiv in October 2011.

Tymoshenko Fined For Contempt

A Kyiv court has fined jailed former Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko for contempt of court. More

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Podcast: The Strange Death Of 'Medvedevism'

Medvedevism Is Dead! Long Live Medvedevism! Vladimir Putin wants to eradicate all traces Dmitry Medvedev's thaw. Can he? More

Now That The Thaw Is Over

Vladimir Putin seems intent on not only undoing Dmitry Medvedev's legacy, but humiliating him in the process. But the causes of the "Medvedev thaw" still remain. More
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Women Catch Up With Men On Smoking Death Risks

A new study says women smoking in the United States today are far more likely to die as a result of their tobacco use than they were in the 1960s.

Kyiv Turns To 'Unconventional' Natural Gas To Wean Itself From Gazprom

Ukraine's prime minister said last week that Kyiv will sign a $10 billion shale-gas deal with oil major Royal Dutch Shell on January 24. That deal -- and a similar one that is in the works with Chevron -- is part of Kyiv's stepped-up strategy to reduce its dependence on Russian natural gas.

Explainer: How Would Possible British Exit Affect EU Foreign Policy?

RFE/RL's Brussels correspondent, Rikard Jozwiak, looks at how a possible "Brexit" -- or even a looser relationship between Britain and the EU -- might affect the bloc's enlargement and foreign policy.

Invigorated Customs Union Presents Russia's Neighbors With Stark Choice

Russian President Vladimir Putin's premier foreign-policy initiative, the Eurasian Customs Union, is showing unprecedented vitality. But the European Union says membership in the ECU is incompatible with closer economic ties with the EU. This confronts many former Soviet states -- especially Ukraine and Moldova -- with a stark choice.

Video Former Ukrainian Porn Star, Persecuted At Home, Battles For EU Asylum

Anastasia Hagen may be the first porn actress to ask for asylum in the European Union. The Ukrainian mother of three fled to the Czech Republic last year after criminal charges were leveled against her under tough new laws on pornography. Hagen is now battling deportation from the Czech Republic, where her asylum request has been rejected.

After Meeting Clinton, Ukrainian Activist Says Situation 'Is Not Hopeless'

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of efforts to roll back human rights in the former Soviet Union as she met with 11 activists from the region on December 7. RFE/RL correspondent Charles Recknagel spoke with one of the activists, Oleksandra Delemenchuk of the Kyiv-based Center for Civil Liberties, about her impressions of the meeting on the sidelines of the OSCE conference in Dublin, Ireland.

Global AIDS Crisis Eases, But Not In Former Soviet Union

Ahead of World AIDS Day on December 1, the United Nations released a cautiously optimistic report suggesting the epidemic has begun to stabilize or even shrink in nearly every part of the world. But the countries of the former Soviet Union are an exception to the trend.

Commentary: The Femen Effect On Feminism

Four years and a new office in Paris later, the Ukrainian activist group Femen, which professes to use “sextremism” to fight against patriarchy as manifested by dictatorship, the church, and the sex industry, more closely resembles a girlie show. More flash than substance.
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The quality and independence of Ukraine's media as a whole is still limited, and RFE/RL's Radio Svoboda is the country's most popular and trusted international broadcaster. Radio Svoboda celebrated its 55th anniversary in 2009.

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